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Social Justice Summit Building Belonging
Diversity & Inclusion
This interactive session will explore key concepts of equity, belonging, and cultural awareness, focusing on how to apply them in our daily lives and community work. Through reflective exercises and open dialogue, we will discuss the difference between belonging and fitting in, the mission and purpose of Equity Arcata and ODEI (Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and explore personal and collective "why" statements that drive our commitment to this work.
Participants will gain practical tools to create affirming spaces, deepen cultural awareness, and reflect on their role in fostering equity and inclusion.
Event Title: Building Belonging: Exploring Equity, Community, and Cultural Awareness. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ashlyn Broeland
Xitlaly De La Torre Canchola
Frank Herrera.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
Noon Lap Swim
Student Life
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Monday Pickleball
Health & Recreation
Come by the Forbes gym every Monday to play some pickleball. Drop-in Recreation is funded through the Associated Students and is only $2/session for Faculty and Staff, use this link to pay in advance, or stop by the Rec Sports Office. You can pay for an individual session, or, you can buy a multi use pass.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Noon Lap Swim
Health & Recreation
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Monday Pickleball
Faculty & Staff Events
Come by the Forbes gym every Monday to play some pickleball. Drop-in Recreation is funded through the Associated Students and is only $2/session for Faculty and Staff, use this link to pay in advance, or stop by the Rec Sports Office. You can pay for an individual session, or, you can buy a multi use pass.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Social Justice Summit - Colonial History
Diversity & Inclusion
This presentation explores how colonialism has shaped American “bohemian” design and aesthetics, particularly through the appropriation of Mexican and South Asian cultures. Using case studies of American companies that sell Mexican and South Asian-inspired products, we will analyze transnational colonialism’s impact on these cultural art forms and the power dynamics of privilege and labor exploitation.
We will also examine how visual elements—such as color, patterns, textiles, and cultural markers—have been incorporated into Western aesthetics. Presenters will share personal insights based on lived experiences with these artistic traditions.
Event Title: Colonial Histories of “Modern” Aesthetics. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera
SJEIC Coordinator.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Music and Recording Corner
Student Life
Do you wanna play music in your local city (Arcata, Eureka, etc)? Are you new playing music, producing and promoting yourself online, or booking shows? Great news! This resource is here to help you! Come in on Mondays from 2-4pm for music production, theory, instrument help and promotion. All levels of skill, experience, or majors are invited drop-in and connect with other music makers. .
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUp. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Wellness Week event
Diversity & Inclusion
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Lectures & Talks
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Monday afternoon lap swim
Student Life
Monday afternoon lap swim.
Event Title: Lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Psych Club General Meeting
Student Life
Event Title: Psych Club General Meeting. Organization: CLUB: PSYCHOLOGY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Talia Mueller.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 508 - Conference Room.
Wellness Week event
Student Life
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Monday afternoon lap swim
Health & Recreation
Monday afternoon lap swim.
Event Title: Lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Wellness Week event
Health & Recreation
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Green Campus Team Meeting
Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Katie Koscielak.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Facilities Management 100A - Conference Room.
Donation Dash planning meeting
Student Life
Planning outreach and events to build engagement in Donation Dash.
Organization: WRRAP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Morgan King.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Nelson Hall West 215 - Associated Students Conference Room.
Free Radicals Chemistry Club
Student Life
Meetings for club members and students interested in Chemistry and Biochemistry! Come join us!
Event Title: Free Radicals Chemistry Club. Organization: CLUB: FREE RADICALS (CHEM CLUB), CHEMISTRY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jenny Cappuccio.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Science A 460 - Lecture Room.
Donation Dash planning meeting
Planning outreach and events to build engagement in Donation Dash.
Organization: WRRAP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Morgan King.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Nelson Hall West 215 - Associated Students Conference Room.
Yoga With Miguel
Student Life
Free for students, $10 fee for staff/faculty/general poluation.
Yoga centered around natural movement of your body,
For more info, or to register visit our website.
Event Title: Yoga With Miguel. Organization: STUDENT RECREATION CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Anthony Ratto.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Recreation & Wellness Center 125 - Fitness Studio.
Math Club Meeting
Student Life
This is a reserved space for the weekly Math Club meeting. Any students interested in mathematics and who want to connect with others interested in math are welcome to join.
Organization: CLUB: MATH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Sela Raisl.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
Theatre Arts 114 - Lecture Room.
CPH Debate Practice
Student Life
Event Title: Debate club practice. Organization: CLUB: DEBATE, COMMUNICATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Aaron Donaldson.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM.
Founders Hall 118 - Lecture Room.
Intramural Basketball
Health & Recreation
Intramurals allow students, staff, faculty members, and community members to create teams and play against each other in a 5 week season, followed by a single elimination tournament. All games will occur on campus, and games start week 5 of each semester. Create your profile to start or join a team on,
There will be a 5 week regular season starting in week 5 of the Humboldt semester, and a 3 week single elimination tournament. All games will be held on campus.
Students = Free Staff/Faculty Members = $15/semester Community Members = $30/semester,
Sign up or view current offerings here:
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
CAHSS Coordinators Monthly Meeting
Faculty & Staff Events
The monthly meeting of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Coordinators and Assistants.
Event Title: CAHSS Coordinators Monthly Meeting. Organization: COLLEGE OF ARTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCI. Responsible Person at Event Name: Sandra Brekke.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Social Justice Summit - ODEI
Diversity & Inclusion
Inspired by NADOHE’s anti-racism framework and Audre Lorde’s “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House,” Cal Poly Humboldt initiated a campus-wide consultative process in Spring 2023 to update its Institutional Anti-Racism Action Plan (IARAP).
This effort included 14 consultations with faculty, staff, students, and leadership, focusing on community engagement, co-creation of knowledge, and reflective practice. By engaging approximately 500 campus members, the initiative has helped shape sustainable, long-term anti-racism strategies and recommendations.
Event Title: ODEI – Collective Engagement for Anti-Racism. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera
SJEIC Coordinator.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Founders Hall 232 - Lecture Room.
Social Justice Summit Redemption Project
Diversity & Inclusion
Join Project Rebound for a screening of The Redemption Project with Van Jones (Episode: “Officer Down”). This powerful episode explores themes of accountability, healing, and second chances through a facilitated dialogue between a victim’s family and the person responsible for their loss.
Following the screening, we will hold an open discussion on restorative justice, incarceration, and pathways to reconciliation. Food will be provided by A Slice of Humboldt.
Event Title: The Redemption Project – Hosted by Project Rebound. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera
SJEIC Coordinator.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM.
Founders Hall 232 - Lecture Room, Library 317 - Library Classroom.
Noon Lap Swim
Student Life
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Noon Lap Swim
Health & Recreation
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
CSUEU E-Board Monthly Meeting
Faculty & Staff Events
The CSUEU E-Board meetings are open to all Cal Poly staff in Units 2, 5, 7, and 9.
Learn more at:
Organization: CSU Employees Union. Categories: Staff, Publish to Department Calendar.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 003 - Union Office.
A.S. Board of Directors Meeting
Student Life
Organization: ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Chelsea Belden.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
A.S. Board of Directors Meeting
Board & Committee Meetings
Organization: ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Chelsea Belden.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
Gender Diversity Task Force
Diversity & Inclusion
Hello and welcome to the Gender Diversity Task Force! We are a group of students, staff, faculty, administrators and community members who meet every two weeks to support and protect our LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Event Title: Biweekly Meeting. Organization: HEALTH EDUCATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Elias Pence.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
Gender Diversity Task Force
Faculty & Staff Events
Hello and welcome to the Gender Diversity Task Force! We are a group of students, staff, faculty, administrators and community members who meet every two weeks to support and protect our LGBTQIA2S+ community.
Event Title: Biweekly Meeting. Organization: HEALTH EDUCATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Elias Pence.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
CES Drop-in Sessions
Trainings & Workshops
Need assistance with 25Live for room reservations or scheduling? Planning an event and have questions? Come to our weekly Drop-in Zoom session and ask away!
Zoom link here.
Organization: CONFERENCE & EVENT SERVICES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kaitlin O'Brien.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Social Justice Summit - Technology
Diversity & Inclusion
This community-driven workshop will address the increasing prevalence of gendered violence and harassment online. Participants will learn tools developed by the Sexual Assault Prevention Committee to support individuals experiencing technology-facilitated harm.
The session will cover:
Ethics and care in online spaces
, Mapping tools for different types of online harm
, Developing best practices for responding to threats
, Emotional self-care and safety while supporting others.
Event Title: Responding to Technology Gendered Violence. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Founders Hall 177 - Lecture Room.
Repair Café
Student Life
Got something that's broken? Do you like repairing discarded and forgotten things? Let's figure out how to fix things together. All majors and skill levels welcome! Stop by the Library Makerspace with your device that needs repairs to have peer support researching, identifying steps you can take to fix your device, and start fixing it.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Tuesday afternoon lap swim
Student Life
lap swim.
Event Title: lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Tuesday afternoon lap swim
Health & Recreation
lap swim.
Event Title: lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Repair Café
Got something that's broken? Do you like repairing discarded and forgotten things? Let's figure out how to fix things together. All majors and skill levels welcome! Stop by the Library Makerspace with your device that needs repairs to have peer support researching, identifying steps you can take to fix your device, and start fixing it.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Wellness Week event
Diversity & Inclusion
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Lectures & Talks
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Student Life
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Health & Recreation
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Drop In Badminton
Health & Recreation
Drop-in Recreation provides an opportunity for people of all skill levels to informally participate in any of the sports we offer. No sign up required, just show up to the gym or field and have fun! We provide all the equipment you need, just stop on by and have fun!
Drop-in Recreation is funded through the Associated Students and is free to all currently enrolled Humboldt Students, and only $2 for everyone else, use this link to pay in advance. You can pay for an individual session, or, you can buy a multi use pass.
We offer drop in sports the first 4 weeks of each semester, and occasionally will offer some sports all semester long. Check out the current offerings below, or on our Calendar.
Minors are not currently allowed to participate in Drop In or Intramural activities, unless they are a registered Cal Poly Humboldt student.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Diversity & Inclusion
Meeting people where they are at, and using Gods word to deepen our prayers and lives. Discipling and creating student leaders while serving the campus community.
Organization: CLUB: INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kayla Gaw.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
Student Life
Meeting people where they are at, and using Gods word to deepen our prayers and lives. Discipling and creating student leaders while serving the campus community.
Organization: CLUB: INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kayla Gaw.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
SHIFT Committee Meeting
Diversity & Inclusion
Regular meeting of the SHIFT Committee.
Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Andrea Alstone.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Student Business Services 405.
SHIFT Committee Meeting
Regular meeting of the SHIFT Committee.
Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Andrea Alstone.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Student Business Services 405.
SHIFT Committee Meeting
Board & Committee Meetings
Regular meeting of the SHIFT Committee.
Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Andrea Alstone.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Student Business Services 405.
Faculty Affairs Committee
Board & Committee Meetings
meeting space.
Event Title: FAC Meetings. Organization: UNIVERSITY SENATE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jayne McGuire.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Harry Griffith Hall 117.
Politics club meeting
Diversity & Inclusion
Weekly meeting for the members of the Humboldt Politics Club.
Event Title: Politics club meeting. Organization: CLUB: POLITICS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kiera Sladen.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Founders Hall 181 - Lecture Room.
Crochet & Knitting MeetUp
Student Life
Join this informal session where you can work on a knit or crochet project. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to come knit and crochet in community.
Meets in the Makerspace or at the Cozy Corner couches if there isn't a staff person in the Makerspace.
This group is geared toward those who have experience and are actively working on their own crochet or knitting project.
Don't know how to knit or crochet? Join the YES Volunteering Drop-In Knitting for an easy to start project and opportunity to do service.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Noon Lap Swim
Student Life
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Politics club meeting
Student Life
Weekly meeting for the members of the Humboldt Politics Club.
Event Title: Politics club meeting. Organization: CLUB: POLITICS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kiera Sladen.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Founders Hall 181 - Lecture Room.
Noon Lap Swim
Health & Recreation
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Crochet & Knitting MeetUp
Faculty & Staff Events
Join this informal session where you can work on a knit or crochet project. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to come knit and crochet in community.
Meets in the Makerspace or at the Cozy Corner couches if there isn't a staff person in the Makerspace.
This group is geared toward those who have experience and are actively working on their own crochet or knitting project.
Don't know how to knit or crochet? Join the YES Volunteering Drop-In Knitting for an easy to start project and opportunity to do service.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Student Life
The Cal Poly Catholic Newman Club will be putting on a Ash Wednesday Mass with distribution of ashes to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season.
Event Title: Cal Poly Catholic Newman Club - Ash Wednesday Mass. Organization: CLUB: NEWMAN CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Bernard Fosnaugh.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Founders Hall 166 - Green & Gold Room.
Craft Space
Student Life
Looking for a fun place to get crafty?
Got a craft dream? We can make it happen! Whether it’s a tote bag, crochet, key chains, or paper lantern, we can help get started. We will provide a project each week or you can work on your own idea!
All majors and experience levels are invited to drop-in to this weekly MeetUp.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUp. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Faculty & Staff Events
The Cal Poly Catholic Newman Club will be putting on a Ash Wednesday Mass with distribution of ashes to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season.
Event Title: Cal Poly Catholic Newman Club - Ash Wednesday Mass. Organization: CLUB: NEWMAN CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Bernard Fosnaugh.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Founders Hall 166 - Green & Gold Room.
Wednesday afternoon lap swim
Student Life
lap swim.
Event Title: Lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Wednesday afternoon lap swim
Health & Recreation
lap swim.
Event Title: Lap swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Social Justice Summit - OLLi
Diversity & Inclusion
This 90-minute workshop will explore how lifelong learning promotes health, social connection, and purpose in older adulthood. Drawing from experiences teaching at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal Poly Humboldt, we will discuss issues such as isolation, chronic health conditions, and ageism.
A panel of five local experts in elder care, aging, and university staff will share insights on how continuous learning fosters resilience and empowerment.
Event Title: Lifelong Learning. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Club Meeting
Student Life
The Sociology and Criminology & Justice Studies Student Club is now active!
Do you want to get involved in the Sociology and Criminology & Justice Studies Student Club?
Do you want to find a way to connect with your peers and faculty in the Sociology Department?
Do you want to organize events for social justice, community building, student well-being, and more?
Come and join us at BSS 508 every Wednesday!
Event Title: Sociology & Criminology Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY, & JUSTICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Dr. Caglar Dolek. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Dolek, Caglar.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:00 PM – 4:59 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 508 - Conference Room.
Queer Tea
Diversity & Inclusion
A weekly drop-in group for LGBTQIA2S+ students to socialize and decompress in a positive and supportive atmosphere. Stop by and have some tea, socialize, and play some games. You may attend this group as often as you like-- every once in a while or weekly.
Event Title: Weekly Drop-In Group for LGBTQIA2s+. Organization: CAPS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Alejandro Torres.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 116 - Lecture Room (Watson Case Room).
CAPS support group
Student Life
Weekly support group for gender affirming expressions.
Event Title: CAPS Support Group. Organization: CAPS. Categories: Student, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lisa Turay, Staff Psychotherapist.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
Harry Griffith Hall 217 - Conference Room.
Queer Tea
Student Life
A weekly drop-in group for LGBTQIA2S+ students to socialize and decompress in a positive and supportive atmosphere. Stop by and have some tea, socialize, and play some games. You may attend this group as often as you like-- every once in a while or weekly.
Event Title: Weekly Drop-In Group for LGBTQIA2s+. Organization: CAPS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Alejandro Torres.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 116 - Lecture Room (Watson Case Room).
Wellness Week
Diversity & Inclusion
Wellness week.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 166 - Lecture Room.
Distinguished Faculty Lecture- H. Panta
Lectures & Talks
Distinguished Faculty Award recipients are nominated by their colleagues or students. Nominations that meet eligibility criteria specified for the award are then reviewed by a committee of previous award winners. Humnath Pantaha has been award the Scholar of the Year award for the 2023/24 Academic Year. All are welcome to join his lecture commemorating this achievement.
Title: Empowering Inquiry: Enhancing Student Research Experiences,
Summary: What defines an impactful research experience for students? Where do moments of discovery and growth occur in their academic journeys? In this interactive session, we will explore strategies to elevate student research experiences by fostering curiosity, collaboration, and meaningful mentorship. Together, we will consider how a supportive, inquiry-driven environment can empower students to engage deeply with their research, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to knowledge creation. Please bring a story of a transformative student research experience…
Event Title: Humnath Panta - Scholar of the year. Organization: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - PROVOST. Categories: Open To The Public, Student, Staff, Faculty. Responsible Person at Event Name: Julie Stewart. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Stewart, Julie.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
Wellness Week
Lectures & Talks
Wellness week.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 166 - Lecture Room.
SWIS Humboldt Wellness Night Meeting
Student Life
Join the Society of Women in STEM for a night of wellness and relaxation!
Event Title: SWIS Wellness Night. Organization: CLUB: SOCIETY OF WOMEN IN STEM.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 131 - Banquet Room.
Wellness Week
Student Life
Wellness week.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 166 - Lecture Room.
Distinguished Faculty Lecture- H. Panta
Faculty & Staff Events
Distinguished Faculty Award recipients are nominated by their colleagues or students. Nominations that meet eligibility criteria specified for the award are then reviewed by a committee of previous award winners. Humnath Pantaha has been award the Scholar of the Year award for the 2023/24 Academic Year. All are welcome to join his lecture commemorating this achievement.
Title: Empowering Inquiry: Enhancing Student Research Experiences,
Summary: What defines an impactful research experience for students? Where do moments of discovery and growth occur in their academic journeys? In this interactive session, we will explore strategies to elevate student research experiences by fostering curiosity, collaboration, and meaningful mentorship. Together, we will consider how a supportive, inquiry-driven environment can empower students to engage deeply with their research, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to knowledge creation. Please bring a story of a transformative student research experience…
Event Title: Humnath Panta - Scholar of the year. Organization: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - PROVOST. Categories: Open To The Public, Student, Staff, Faculty. Responsible Person at Event Name: Julie Stewart. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Stewart, Julie.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
Yoga With Miguel
Student Life
Free for students, $10 fee for staff/faculty/general poluation.
Yoga centered around natural movement of your body,
For more info, or to register visit our website.
Event Title: Yoga With Miguel. Organization: STUDENT RECREATION CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Anthony Ratto.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Recreation & Wellness Center 125 - Fitness Studio.
QTBIPOC+ Film Coalition Student Meetings
Diversity & Inclusion
QTBIPOC+ Film Coalition Student Meeting; Screenings and Discussion for Student Produced Work that is centering the voices and stories of the QTBIPOC+ student community.
Event Title: QTBIPOC+ Film Coalition Student Meeting. Organization: FILM. Responsible Person at Event Name: Michelle Cartier.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.
Art B 102 - Lecture Room.
CPH Debate Practice
Student Life
Event Title: Debate club practice. Organization: CLUB: DEBATE, COMMUNICATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Aaron Donaldson.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM.
Founders Hall 118 - Lecture Room.
Fiber Arts Night
Student Life
Fiber Arts Night at the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center. Embroidery, crocheting, macramé and more!
All supplies provided, while supplies last.
Organization: GUTSWURRAK STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Welcome Home to Humboldt, Open To The Public, Student, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Amanda. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Kachevas, Amanda.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 222 - Karshner Lounge.
Fiber Arts Night
Health & Recreation
Fiber Arts Night at the Gutswurrak Student Activities Center. Embroidery, crocheting, macramé and more!
All supplies provided, while supplies last.
Organization: GUTSWURRAK STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Welcome Home to Humboldt, Open To The Public, Student, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Amanda. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Kachevas, Amanda.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 222 - Karshner Lounge.
Intramural Flag Football
Health & Recreation
Intramurals allow students, staff, faculty members, and community members to create teams and play against each other in a 5 week season, followed by a single elimination tournament. All games will occur on campus, and games start week 5 of each semester. Create your profile to start or join a team on,
There will be a 5 week regular season starting in week 5 of the Humboldt semester, and a 3 week single elimination tournament. All games will be held on campus.
Students = Free ,
Staff/Faculty Members = $15/semester
Community Members = $30/semester,
Sign up or view current offerings here:
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Student Recreation Center 165 - Fieldhouse.
Diversity & Inclusion
Meeting people where they are at, and using Gods word to deepen our prayers and lives. Discipling and creating student leaders while serving the campus community.
Organization: CLUB: INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kayla Gaw.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
Student Life
Meeting people where they are at, and using Gods word to deepen our prayers and lives. Discipling and creating student leaders while serving the campus community.
Organization: CLUB: INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kayla Gaw.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
CAHSS Council of Chairs Meeting
Faculty & Staff Events
The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Chairs Meeting.
Event Title: CAHSS Council of Chairs Meeting. Organization: COLLEGE OF ARTS HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCI. Responsible Person at Event Name: Sandra Brekke.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Nelson Hall 102 - Goodwin Forum.
Social Justice Summit - Sanctuary School
Diversity & Inclusion
This session will highlight the advocacy efforts of Centro del Pueblo’s Youth Council against anti-immigrant policies in schools. Through cultural projects and activism, high school students are creating safe spaces for themselves and their peers.
The event will feature:
A powerful collection of images and stories of youth-led advocacy
, A discussion on the role of culture and art in mental health and community empowerment
, An open dialogue with youth advocates on how to support their work.
Event Title: Sanctuary Schools Now! Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Noon Lap Swim
Student Life
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Noon Lap Swim
Health & Recreation
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Social Justice Summit - Navigating Ed
Diversity & Inclusion
Undocumented college students face unique challenges, including limited access to resources, financial aid, and employment opportunities. This workshop will examine the systemic barriers they navigate and propose strategies to improve institutional support.
Findings from in-depth interviews with undocumented students will be shared, highlighting the need for mentorship programs, financial aid access, and community spaces. This research advocates for the creation of an Undocumented Student Resource Center at Cal Poly Humboldt.
Event Title: Navigating Higher Education – Scholars Without Borders. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera
SJEIC Coordinator.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Founders Hall 232 - Lecture Room.
SEEDS program meeting
This is a weekly SEEDS meeting (sustainability employee educators developing solutions).
Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Katie Koscielak.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM.
Student Business Services 405.
A.S. Candidate Debates
Student Life
Organization: ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Chelsea Belden.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2:00 PM – 6:30 PM.
Library 317 - Library Classroom.
Brain Break
Trainings & Workshops
Are you stressed from academics? Relationships? Work? Life!?! Wouldn't it be nice to give your brain a break for all your worries? Come to Brain Break and learn various ways to do just that! This SkillShop will offer concrete ways to manage stress and worry and show you how to take time out and give your brain a break! This SkillShop is offered weekly through the spring semester, so drop in!
for a reminder!
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: CAPS, LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lisa Turay.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Mimi Khúc - Social Justice Summit 2025
Diversity & Inclusion
Mimi Khúc’s new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), explores Asian American mental health, model minority myths, and the role of universities in fostering (or failing to foster) collective care.
Her work includes:
Open in Emergency, a project decolonizing Asian American mental health
, The Asian American Tarot, a reimagined tarot deck
, The Open in Emergency Initiative, a national mental health arts program
This session will explore new approaches to building inclusive, community-based care.
A guest presentation focused on academia + unwellness, care-centered teaching as it relates to all communities but through Asian American theories and histories.
Event Title: Guest Speaker - Mimi Khúc, Social Justice Summit 2025. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER, OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
College Creek Community Center 260 - Great Hall.
Mimi Khúc - Social Justice Summit 2025
Lectures & Talks
Mimi Khúc’s new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), explores Asian American mental health, model minority myths, and the role of universities in fostering (or failing to foster) collective care.
Her work includes:
Open in Emergency, a project decolonizing Asian American mental health
, The Asian American Tarot, a reimagined tarot deck
, The Open in Emergency Initiative, a national mental health arts program
This session will explore new approaches to building inclusive, community-based care.
A guest presentation focused on academia + unwellness, care-centered teaching as it relates to all communities but through Asian American theories and histories.
Event Title: Guest Speaker - Mimi Khúc, Social Justice Summit 2025. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER, OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
College Creek Community Center 260 - Great Hall.
Brain Break
Student Life
Are you stressed from academics? Relationships? Work? Life!?! Wouldn't it be nice to give your brain a break for all your worries? Come to Brain Break and learn various ways to do just that! This SkillShop will offer concrete ways to manage stress and worry and show you how to take time out and give your brain a break! This SkillShop is offered weekly through the spring semester, so drop in!
for a reminder!
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: CAPS, LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lisa Turay.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Mimi Khúc - Social Justice Summit 2025
Student Life
Mimi Khúc’s new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), explores Asian American mental health, model minority myths, and the role of universities in fostering (or failing to foster) collective care.
Her work includes:
Open in Emergency, a project decolonizing Asian American mental health
, The Asian American Tarot, a reimagined tarot deck
, The Open in Emergency Initiative, a national mental health arts program
This session will explore new approaches to building inclusive, community-based care.
A guest presentation focused on academia + unwellness, care-centered teaching as it relates to all communities but through Asian American theories and histories.
Event Title: Guest Speaker - Mimi Khúc, Social Justice Summit 2025. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER, OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
College Creek Community Center 260 - Great Hall.
Repair Café
Student Life
Got something that's broken? Do you like repairing discarded and forgotten things? Let's figure out how to fix things together. All majors and skill levels welcome! Stop by the Library Makerspace with your device that needs repairs to have peer support researching, identifying steps you can take to fix your device, and start fixing it.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Brain Break
Health & Recreation
Are you stressed from academics? Relationships? Work? Life!?! Wouldn't it be nice to give your brain a break for all your worries? Come to Brain Break and learn various ways to do just that! This SkillShop will offer concrete ways to manage stress and worry and show you how to take time out and give your brain a break! This SkillShop is offered weekly through the spring semester, so drop in!
for a reminder!
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: CAPS, LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lisa Turay.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Mimi Khúc - Social Justice Summit 2025
Health & Recreation
Mimi Khúc’s new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), explores Asian American mental health, model minority myths, and the role of universities in fostering (or failing to foster) collective care.
Her work includes:
Open in Emergency, a project decolonizing Asian American mental health
, The Asian American Tarot, a reimagined tarot deck
, The Open in Emergency Initiative, a national mental health arts program
This session will explore new approaches to building inclusive, community-based care.
A guest presentation focused on academia + unwellness, care-centered teaching as it relates to all communities but through Asian American theories and histories.
Event Title: Guest Speaker - Mimi Khúc, Social Justice Summit 2025. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER, OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
College Creek Community Center 260 - Great Hall.
Mimi Khúc - Social Justice Summit 2025
Faculty & Staff Events
Mimi Khúc’s new book, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss (Duke University Press), explores Asian American mental health, model minority myths, and the role of universities in fostering (or failing to foster) collective care.
Her work includes:
Open in Emergency, a project decolonizing Asian American mental health
, The Asian American Tarot, a reimagined tarot deck
, The Open in Emergency Initiative, a national mental health arts program
This session will explore new approaches to building inclusive, community-based care.
A guest presentation focused on academia + unwellness, care-centered teaching as it relates to all communities but through Asian American theories and histories.
Event Title: Guest Speaker - Mimi Khúc, Social Justice Summit 2025. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER, OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
College Creek Community Center 260 - Great Hall.
Repair Café
Got something that's broken? Do you like repairing discarded and forgotten things? Let's figure out how to fix things together. All majors and skill levels welcome! Stop by the Library Makerspace with your device that needs repairs to have peer support researching, identifying steps you can take to fix your device, and start fixing it.
Event Title: Makerspace MeetUps. Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Kimberly Stelter.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Wellness Week event
Diversity & Inclusion
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Lectures & Talks
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Student Life
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Wellness Week event
Health & Recreation
Hosting a week long event with various guest speakers. Focused on Wellness.
Event Title: Wellness Week. Organization: ITEPP/NACAE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Jasmin Torres. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Torres, Jasmin.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 162 - Native American Forum.
Smash Bros + FGC Video Game Club Meeting
Student Life
Come by and relax! We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment that is equally friendly to both veteran FGC (Fighting Game Community) video game players and newcomers alike. We simply wish to provide a kind and casual community for those who want to relax and play video games after a long week of classes. While we mainly have setups for Super Smash Bros Ultimate, we also have other fighting games such as Super Smash Bros. Melee, Guilty Gear Strive, Tekken 8, Street Fighter 6, Marvel vs Capcom, and many more! We also welcome recommendations if there's a specific game you'd like to play! We hold weekly free-to-enter Super Smash Bros Ultimate tournaments that start at 7:30PM, so test your might against the best here! Club meetings will be every Thursday except when the Campus is closed during the holidays.
Organization: CLUB: SMASH BROS & FGC VIDEO GAME. Responsible Person at Event Name: Sebastian Mendoza.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 109 - Lecture Room.
Hackathon for Social Good 2025
Student Life
Join us for this kickoff event for the campus wide Hackathon for Social Good! This is when participants will finalize their teams, select their projects to work on during the competition, and gain more information about the competition schedule. All participants of the competition are required to attend this kickoff/registration meeting in advance of attending the competition on Saturday morning.
Event Title: Event Kickoff - Hackathon for Social Good 2025. Organization: CLUB: COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS). Responsible Person at Event Name: Lily Yassemi.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Behavioral & Social Sciences 166 - Lecture Room.
Karaoke Night
Diversity & Inclusion
Karaoke Night hosted by ADPIMENA.
Event Title: Hosted by ADPIMENA. Organization: GUTSWURRAK STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Welcome Home to Humboldt, Open To The Public, Student, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Amanda. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Kachevas, Amanda.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 222 - Karshner Lounge.
Karaoke Night
Student Life
Karaoke Night hosted by ADPIMENA.
Event Title: Hosted by ADPIMENA. Organization: GUTSWURRAK STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER, ASIAN DESI PACIFIC ISLANDER CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Welcome Home to Humboldt, Open To The Public, Student, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Amanda. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Kachevas, Amanda.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 222 - Karshner Lounge.
Drop In Badminton
Health & Recreation
Drop-in Recreation provides an opportunity for people of all skill levels to informally participate in any of the sports we offer. No sign up required, just show up to the gym or field and have fun! We provide all the equipment you need, just stop on by and have fun!
Drop-in Recreation is funded through the Associated Students and is free to all currently enrolled Humboldt Students, and only $2 for everyone else, use this link to pay in advance. You can pay for an individual session, or, you can buy a multi use pass.
We offer drop in sports the first 4 weeks of each semester, and occasionally will offer some sports all semester long. Check out the current offerings below, or on our Calendar.
Minors are not currently allowed to participate in Drop In or Intramural activities, unless they are a registered Cal Poly Humboldt student.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Intramural Volleyball
Health & Recreation
Intramurals allow students, staff, faculty members, and community members to create teams and play against each other in a 5 week season, followed by a single elimination tournament. All games will occur on campus, and games start week 5 of each semester. Create your profile to start or join a team on,
There will be a 5 week regular season starting in week 5 of the Humboldt semester, and a 3 week single elimination tournament. All games will be held on campus.
Students = Free Staff/Faculty Members = $15/semester Community Members = $30/semester,
Sign up or view current offerings here:
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Recreation & Wellness Center 202 - West Gym.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Admissions & Tours
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Trainings & Workshops
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Diversity & Inclusion
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Lectures & Talks
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Student Life
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Health & Recreation
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Faculty & Staff Events
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Rest + Read (Climate Anxiety Guide)
Trainings & Workshops
Take a beat to read, rest and reflect at the Library. This session will consider a chapter from the Little Free Sustainability Library book:
Field Guide to Climate Anxiety, How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet by Sarah Jaquette Ray. CH 8 Feed What You Want to Grow.
Book Description - A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science. Those inheriting our planet’s environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not have the skills to grapple with the feelings of powerlessness and despair that may arise when they confront this seemingly intractable situation. Drawing on a decade of experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, Sarah Jaquette Ray has created an “existential tool kit” for the climate generation. Combining insights from…
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Morgan Barker. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Barker, Morgan.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Social Justice Summit - Beyond Borders
Diversity & Inclusion
This session will showcase how Latine youth advocacy is shaping schools through art and cultural projects. In partnership with Centro del Pueblo, we will explore how high school students are using activism to challenge hateful rhetoric and create inclusive environments.
Participants will engage in discussions on how to support youth-led movements for immigrant rights and education reform.
Event Title: Beyond Borders – Scholars Without Borders. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Harry Griffith Hall 117.
Rest + Read (Climate Anxiety Guide)
Student Life
Take a beat to read, rest and reflect at the Library. This session will consider a chapter from the Little Free Sustainability Library book:
Field Guide to Climate Anxiety, How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet by Sarah Jaquette Ray. CH 8 Feed What You Want to Grow.
Book Description - A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science. Those inheriting our planet’s environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not have the skills to grapple with the feelings of powerlessness and despair that may arise when they confront this seemingly intractable situation. Drawing on a decade of experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, Sarah Jaquette Ray has created an “existential tool kit” for the climate generation. Combining insights from…
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Morgan Barker. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Barker, Morgan.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
Rest + Read (Climate Anxiety Guide)
Take a beat to read, rest and reflect at the Library. This session will consider a chapter from the Little Free Sustainability Library book:
Field Guide to Climate Anxiety, How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet by Sarah Jaquette Ray. CH 8 Feed What You Want to Grow.
Book Description - A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science. Those inheriting our planet’s environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not have the skills to grapple with the feelings of powerlessness and despair that may arise when they confront this seemingly intractable situation. Drawing on a decade of experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, Sarah Jaquette Ray has created an “existential tool kit” for the climate generation. Combining insights from…
Event Title: SkillShop. Organization: LIBRARY. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Morgan Barker. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Barker, Morgan.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Library 209 - Library Fishbowl.
SJS Block Party
Diversity & Inclusion
Closing event for the Social Justice Summit.
Event Title: SJS Block Party. Organization: DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION, SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera. Please provide information about your event for Procurement to assess: This event is in collaboration with the City of Arcata through Equity Arcata. Equity Arcata has reserved the space and paying for the venue.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Off-campus D Street Neighborhood Center.
Trump's First 100 Days
Lectures & Talks
What’s Possible in Trump’s First 100 Days? A panel discussion featuring Cal Poly Humboldt Department of Politics faculty and Politics Club students.
Friday, March 7 from 12 PM to 1 PM in Siemens Hall 108.
Light refreshments provided.
In-person and Zoom participation is available. For remote participation go to:
Free and open to the public. For questions or accommodations contact the Politics Club at or faculty advisor: Dr. Tani Sebro,
Event Title: What's Possible in Trump's First 100 Days? Organization: CLUB: POLITICS, POLITICS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Tani Sebro. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Sebro, Tani.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 108 - Lecture Room.
Noon Lap Swim
Student Life
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Sewing & Fiber Arts Club
Student Life
All skill levels welcome. Time for Making art and connecting with the local fiber art community!
Organization: LIBRARY. Responsible Person at Event Name: Aj Poulsen.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Library 205 - Makerspace.
Sigma Tau Delta (APT) Meeting
Student Life
Interested in English? Do you like reading and writing? Join us for our biweekly Sigma Tau Delta: APT club meeting! As the local chapter of the International English Honor Society, Inc. Sigma Tau Delta: APT strives to support and promote literacy and achievement in English Studies and education within Cal Poly Humboldt and surrounding community through engagement in workshops, mentoring, and community outreach projects aimed at recognizing and supporting multiliteracies and critical thinking as a central tenet for all disciplines, success and progress.
Event Title: Sigma Tau Delta (APT) Meeting. Organization: CLUB: SIGMA TAU DELTA. Responsible Person at Event Name: Amber Rae Dennis.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Founders Hall 181 - Lecture Room.
SJS Block Party
Student Life
Closing event for the Social Justice Summit.
Event Title: SJS Block Party. Organization: DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION, SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera. Please provide information about your event for Procurement to assess: This event is in collaboration with the City of Arcata through Equity Arcata. Equity Arcata has reserved the space and paying for the venue.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Off-campus D Street Neighborhood Center.
Trump's First 100 Days
Student Life
What’s Possible in Trump’s First 100 Days? A panel discussion featuring Cal Poly Humboldt Department of Politics faculty and Politics Club students.
Friday, March 7 from 12 PM to 1 PM in Siemens Hall 108.
Light refreshments provided.
In-person and Zoom participation is available. For remote participation go to:
Free and open to the public. For questions or accommodations contact the Politics Club at or faculty advisor: Dr. Tani Sebro,
Event Title: What's Possible in Trump's First 100 Days? Organization: CLUB: POLITICS, POLITICS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Tani Sebro. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Sebro, Tani.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 108 - Lecture Room.
Noon Lap Swim
Health & Recreation
Noon lap swim.
Event Title: Noon Lap Swim. Organization: APPLIED HEALTH. Responsible Person at Event Name: Lawre Maple.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Kinesiology and Athletics 111 - Swimming Pool.
Trump's First 100 Days
Faculty & Staff Events
What’s Possible in Trump’s First 100 Days? A panel discussion featuring Cal Poly Humboldt Department of Politics faculty and Politics Club students.
Friday, March 7 from 12 PM to 1 PM in Siemens Hall 108.
Light refreshments provided.
In-person and Zoom participation is available. For remote participation go to:
Free and open to the public. For questions or accommodations contact the Politics Club at or faculty advisor: Dr. Tani Sebro,
Event Title: What's Possible in Trump's First 100 Days? Organization: CLUB: POLITICS, POLITICS. Responsible Person at Event Name: Tani Sebro. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Sebro, Tani.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Siemens Hall 108 - Lecture Room.
Social Justice Summit - Herstory
Diversity & Inclusion
This workshop will explore the history of women of color engaging in civil disobedience as a form of resistance. We will examine how revolutionary change occurs when marginalized communities fight back against oppressive systems.
The session will include:
A presentation on the legacy of resistance
, A discussion on navigating activism in a white, heteropatriarchal society
, A community dialogue on fostering hope and solidarity.
Event Title: Herstory – The Women's Resource Center. Organization: SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTER. Categories: SERIES: Social Justice Summit, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Frank Herrera.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Founders Hall 111 - Lecture Room.
Cinema Club Member Meeting
Arts (Performing & Visual)
Event Title: Cinema Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: CINEMA. Responsible Person at Event Name: Zoe Reed.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Art B 102 - Lecture Room.
QSU Club Meeting
Diversity & Inclusion
QSU is a casual social setting for Queer students on campus to meet and spend time together in a relaxed and accepting setting.
Event Title: QSU Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: QUEER STUDENT UNION (QSU). Responsible Person at Event Name: PJ Cravens.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
Biological Sciences Seminar Series
Lectures & Talks
Organization: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Mihai Tomescu.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Science B 135 - Lecture Room.
Cinema Club Member Meeting
Student Life
Event Title: Cinema Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: CINEMA. Responsible Person at Event Name: Zoe Reed.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Art B 102 - Lecture Room.
EcoReps Weekly Meeting
Student Life
This will be the EcoReps' regular meeting to plan, collaborate, and discuss programs and initiatives for improving sustainability in the Residence Halls.
Event Title: EcoReps weekly team meeting and collaboration. Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Katie Koscielak.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Jolly Giant Commons 324 - Mad River Room.
QSU Club Meeting
Student Life
QSU is a casual social setting for Queer students on campus to meet and spend time together in a relaxed and accepting setting.
Event Title: QSU Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: QUEER STUDENT UNION (QSU). Responsible Person at Event Name: PJ Cravens.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Nelson Hall East 106.
EcoReps Weekly Meeting
This will be the EcoReps' regular meeting to plan, collaborate, and discuss programs and initiatives for improving sustainability in the Residence Halls.
Event Title: EcoReps weekly team meeting and collaboration. Organization: FM SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE. Responsible Person at Event Name: Katie Koscielak.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Jolly Giant Commons 324 - Mad River Room.
Humboldt County History Day 2025
Admissions & Tours
Cal Poly Humboldt is hosting the annual Humboldt County History Day event on the eighth of March, 2025. Students from fourth to twelfth grade will show off their history projects, performances, websites, displays, and posters in celebration of this year's theme: Rights and Responsibilities in History.
Event Title: Humboldt County History Day with HCOE. Organization: HUMBOLDT COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ryder Dschida. Will Minors be accompanied by a guardian/chaperone? TRUE.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Club Meeting
Student Life
Event Title: Birding Club Meeting. Organization: CLUB: BIRDING. Responsible Person at Event Name: Cedrik von Briel.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Wildlife and Fisheries 258 - Lecture Room.
QSU Queer Movie Night
Diversity & Inclusion
Bi-weekly movie nights showcasing various LGBTQ+ films!
Event Title: QSU Queer Movie Night. Organization: CLUB: QUEER STUDENT UNION (QSU). Responsible Person at Event Name: PJ Cravens.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 131 - Banquet Room.
QSU Queer Movie Night
Student Life
Bi-weekly movie nights showcasing various LGBTQ+ films!
Event Title: QSU Queer Movie Night. Organization: CLUB: QUEER STUDENT UNION (QSU). Responsible Person at Event Name: PJ Cravens.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Gutswurrak Student Activities Center 131 - Banquet Room.
Drop In Skate Night
Health & Recreation
Bring your roller skates, or check out a pair from us, for a fun night of roller skating to music in the West Gym.
KRFH DJ - 2000's Club Theme,
KRFH DJ - Disco/Funk night,
KRFH DJ - Old School/Rave,
This event is free for Cal Poly Humboldt Students.
For staff/faculty/community members, there is a $5 drop in fee that includes a skate rental if needed.
No Minors allowed, unless they are fully matriculated Humboldt students.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS, CAMPUS RECREATION, CLUB: KRFH RADIO, CLUB: SOCIOLOGY, CRIMINOLOGY, & JUSTICE. Categories: SERIES: Welcome Home to Humboldt, Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Recreation & Wellness Center 202 - West Gym.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Admissions & Tours
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Humboldt County History Day 2025
Admissions & Tours
Cal Poly Humboldt is hosting the annual Humboldt County History Day event on the eighth of March, 2025. Students from fourth to twelfth grade will show off their history projects, performances, websites, displays, and posters in celebration of this year's theme: Rights and Responsibilities in History.
Event Title: Humboldt County History Day with HCOE. Organization: HUMBOLDT COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ryder Dschida. Will Minors be accompanied by a guardian/chaperone? TRUE.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym, Founders Hall 181 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall 025 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall 232 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall 125 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall 235 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall 236 - Lecture Room, Founders Hall…
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Trainings & Workshops
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Diversity & Inclusion
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Lectures & Talks
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Student Life
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Health & Recreation
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Faculty & Staff Events
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
WRRAP Garden Volunteer Day
Student Life
WRRAP is hosting a field trip/group bike ride out to the Redwood Coast Montessori Community Garden on March 8th as a fun educational volunteer opportunity. We will meet at the school before taking a ride through town to the garden. There we will receive a site tour, then participate in gardening activities.
Event Title: WRRAP Volunteer Day at Redwood Coast Montessori Garden. Organization: WRRAP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ethan Glaz.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Student Business Services - 1st Floor Lobby.
WRRAP Garden Volunteer Day
Health & Recreation
WRRAP is hosting a field trip/group bike ride out to the Redwood Coast Montessori Community Garden on March 8th as a fun educational volunteer opportunity. We will meet at the school before taking a ride through town to the garden. There we will receive a site tour, then participate in gardening activities.
Event Title: WRRAP Volunteer Day at Redwood Coast Montessori Garden. Organization: WRRAP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ethan Glaz.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Student Business Services - 1st Floor Lobby.
WRRAP Garden Volunteer Day
WRRAP is hosting a field trip/group bike ride out to the Redwood Coast Montessori Community Garden on March 8th as a fun educational volunteer opportunity. We will meet at the school before taking a ride through town to the garden. There we will receive a site tour, then participate in gardening activities.
Event Title: WRRAP Volunteer Day at Redwood Coast Montessori Garden. Organization: WRRAP. Responsible Person at Event Name: Ethan Glaz.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Student Business Services - 1st Floor Lobby.
Explore Trinidad
Admissions & Tours
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Trainings & Workshops
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Diversity & Inclusion
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Lectures & Talks
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Student Life
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Health & Recreation
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Faculty & Staff Events
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Explore Trinidad
Join us for a day of relaxation and exploration in the charming coastal town of Trinidad! Nestled along the rugged Pacific coastline, Trinidad is a hidden gem filled with scenic beauty and small-town charm. On this guided trip, we’ll take you on a coastal hike, showcasing stunning beaches, dramatic bluffs, and sweeping ocean views. You'll also have time to explore the town's quaint harbor, vibrant art galleries, and cozy local shops.
This is the perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the best of the North Coast. We’ll provide transportation from campus, so all you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the day. Whether you’re a nature lover, an art enthusiast, or simply looking for a peaceful day out, Trinidad offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this chance to discover this picturesque coastal town!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus and experienced guides to provide fun information and safety…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Rugby vs Cal Poly SLO
Game 5 of the 2025 season as our women's team takes on Cal Poly SLO at the College Creek Field.
Organization: CLUB: RUGBY (WOMEN'S), ASSOCIATED STUDENTS, RECREATIONAL SPORTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
College Creek Soccer Field.
Jazz Orchestra & Wind Ensemble
Arts (Performing & Visual)
Organization: DANCE, MUSIC, AND THEATRE. Tickets - General $: 15. Tickets - Student $: 0. Tickets - Child $: 5. Tickets - Senior $: 5. Purchase tickets online at: Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Dan Aldag. ProStaff/Faculty Contact: Aldag, Dan X.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM.
Music B 132 - Fulkerson Recital Hall, Music B 132A - Fulkerson Recital Hall Stage, Music B L-1 - Fulkerson Recital Hall Lobby.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Admissions & Tours
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Trainings & Workshops
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Diversity & Inclusion
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Lectures & Talks
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Student Life
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Health & Recreation
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Faculty & Staff Events
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Backpacking Redwood Creek
Ready to dive into the world of backpacking or gain more experience in the backcountry? Join us for a 2-night backpacking adventure through the stunning Redwood Creek area in Redwood National Park! This 15-mile journey will take you through towering redwoods, lush big-leaf maples, and other moisture-loving plants, leading us toward the iconic Tall Trees Grove. Along the way, you'll learn essential backpacking skills in one of the most beautiful settings Humboldt has to offer.
During this trip, you'll have the opportunity to practice backcountry cooking, water filtration, proper packing techniques, and backcountry safety. With two experienced guides by your side, you'll learn all the tips and tricks needed to feel confident on future adventures. Plus, you’ll tackle a creek crossing and gain real experience navigating diverse terrain with about 1,000 feet of elevation gain.
NOTE: There is a required pre-trip meeting for this course at the Outdoor Adventures Main Office to give you trip…
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Admissions & Tours
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Trainings & Workshops
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Diversity & Inclusion
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Lectures & Talks
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Student Life
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Health & Recreation
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
Faculty & Staff Events
<div data-history-node-id="28826">
In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Women's Month: Trillium Falls Day Hike
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In celebration of Women’s Month, we invite you to join a supportive group of fellow nature lovers for a rejuvenating hike on the stunning Trillium Falls Trail. This moderate 2.7-mile loop in Humboldt Redwoods State Park winds through an enchanting old-growth redwood forest, with towering trees, lush ferns, and vibrant big-leaf maples. The trail is also home to seasonal trillium blooms and a beautiful 12-foot waterfall!
As a special bonus, the parking area for the trail offers a prime opportunity to spot our local Roosevelt elk herds—keep your eyes peeled for these majestic creatures!
This hike is designed to inspire women who are on their own explorative journey through hiking, self-discovery, and a connection to nature. Whether you’re seeking peace, perspective, or simply a chance to connect with others, this outing is for you!
Included in Program Fee: Transportation to and from the trip location to Library Circle on the Cal Poly Humboldt… .
Organization: OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. Responsible Person at Event Name: Journee Eib. Please explain the need for Agreement Authorization or Deposit: waivers and agreements will be processed in office.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Off Campus.
Drop In Pickleball
Health & Recreation
Drop-in Recreation allows people to participate in an activity of their choice informally. Drop-in Recreation is funded through the Associated Students Office and is free to all students with a current Humboldt I.D. Community Members/faculty/staff participating in any Drop In activity must pay $2.00 per visit. Payments can be made online, or at the Cashier's Office prior to participation.
Organization: RECREATIONAL SPORTS, ASSOCIATED STUDENTS. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Paul Wells.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Forbes Gymnasium 250 - East Gym.
Piano Studio Recital
Arts (Performing & Visual)
Organization: DANCE, MUSIC, AND THEATRE. Categories: Publish to Department Calendar. Responsible Person at Event Name: Daniela Mineva.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM.
Music B 132 - Fulkerson Recital Hall, Music B 132A - Fulkerson Recital Hall Stage, Music B L-1 - Fulkerson Recital Hall Lobby.
Humboldt County Writers club
Student Life
A meeting space for creative writers of all genres and writing forms.
Organization: WRITERS, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, LIBRARY. Categories: Student. Responsible Person at Event Name: Gillian Allen.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Library 114 - Classroom.
Swing Dance Club Meeting
Student Life
Our weekly club meeting will include an informal beginner lesson for the first hour, followed by an hour of social dance afterwards.
Organization: CLUB: SWING DANCE.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Recreation & Wellness Center 125 - Fitness Studio.