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Refunds are automatic for those students who dropped by their classes by the appropriate due date.

Important Dates Refunds are automatic for those students who dropped by their classes by the appropriate due date. Contact the Student Fees Office for refund questions at Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, March 3, 2025 – Friday, March 7, 2025.

The Preference Illusion: Unraveling the Myth Behind Occupational Segregation

Events/Activities This talk will highlight occupational distributions by gender and race and provide some critiques on common explanations for this phenomenon.  The talk will conclude with an illustration of sorting into the economics major and explore some mechanisms behind individual student's choice to major in the discipline. Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Megan Torrey-Payne. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Kenese Io. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Engaging Students. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Career Services - Job Search Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops, ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Monday, March 3, 2025, 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities IOC meetings for Spring 2025. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Monday, March 3, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Student Center 212.

CSULA Drop-In Advising - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Drop-In Advising, Drop in and meet with your CSULA representative, Jacob Quintana, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Jacob will be at GCC the following dates: Monday, February 24, 1 to 3pm, Tuesday, March 4, 10am to 12pm, Tuesday, March 18, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 7, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 21, 1 to 3pm, No need to sign up in advance. Just stop by! The Transfer Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

CSULA Next Steps Presentation - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Next Steps Presentation, Congratulations on applying to transfer! What comes next? Join us to discover the subsequent steps in the transfer process and important upcoming deadlines to keep in mind towards your admission to CSULA. February 10, 1:00- 1:30 pm, March 4, 10:00am-10:30am, April 7, 1:00-1:30pm, All presentations will take place in the Transfer Center on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

VSC Spring 2025 Resource Fair

Events/Activities This recurring event is designed to cater to GCC students to familiarize themselves with the different programs and departments on campus. Organization: Vaquero Success Center. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #1: Expanding your Brain

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about how our brain develops new neural pathways when we learn new skills and how practicing those new skills can make those pathways stronger. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Administration Building 232G - Learning Center Workshop Room.

Scholars Mystery Solving Event

Events/Activities Scholars Mystery Solving Event Members will be in groups solving mysteries and the first one who solves it gets a prize. . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Scholars Program. Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Build a bouquet-ASGCC Activities

Events/Activities Build a bouquet-ASGCC Activities. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

History of Reproductive Rights in the US

Events/Activities With ongoing and repeated attacks on reproductive rights and bodily autonomy, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. Come to this session to explore the history of reproductive rights in the U.S. and better understand the current challenges and restrictions. . Organization: Psychology. Point Person Contact Name: Megan Torrey-Payne. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Growing Your Potential. Please list External Presenter: Juliana Serrano. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success : Keys to College Success #2: Learning to Succeed

Workshops for Success This workshop focuses on the concept that it's important to work smarter, not just harder, and that working smarter means finding good strategies and being willing to ask for help from others. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Administration Building 232G - Learning Center Workshop Room.

MedConnect Hygiene Kit Assembly

Events/Activities MedConnect Hygiene Kit Assembly Scholars will be assembling hygiene kits to donate to homeless shelters. . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Scholars Program. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Student Center 212.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Library Workshops for Success: Pro-tips for Finding Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Choose specific terms and library tools in order to search more effectively   , Use advanced search strategies in order to find sources in a database  , Identify and use the information in search tool records to determine relevancy to a research topic  , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

ISO Workapalooza! Lunch and Conversation: Working in the US - Beyond the F-1

Events/Activities Thursday, March 6, Lunch and Conversation: Working in the US – Beyond the F-1, With Special Guest: Immigration Attorney, Arthur Serratelli, An ISO Workapalooza Event, 12:30-2 pm PST, SV 230 or via Zoom, See below for advance registration requirements,   The International Student Lunch and Conversation program is a space for you to make friends and talk about life as an international student in the U.S. and at GCC. This month’s workshop will focus on Working in the US – Beyond the F-1. This workshop will feature special guest, immigration attorney Arthur Serratelli, who will guide you through your options for working in the US AFTER your studies, including H-1B, O-1, TN, and other visa statuses! Don’t miss this one-day only special event! Lunch will be provided for this session. The presentation portion will be from 12:30-1:20 pm. Extra time will be provided until 2 pm for student Q&A. You must RSVP here by March 4 at 5 pm. If you register for Zoom attendance, you will be emailed the link… Organization: International Student Office. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM. Sierra Vista Building 230, Zoom.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #3: Growth Mindset

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how cultivating a growth mindset can increase your chances of succeeding. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. A Zoom link will be emailed to students before the start of the workshop. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Administration Building 232G - Learning Center Workshop Room.

Journal Workshop-Scholars Program

Events/Activities Journal Workshop Scholars will gather and start working on their upcoming journal submissions with the help of cabinet . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Scholars Program. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Library Workshops for Success: Information Honor Code

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Describe the ethical & legal standards underlying the use of information in college, the workplace, and on the Internet , Use citation and attribution to give credit to the ideas and work of others , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM. Zoom.

Career Services - Cover Letter

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops, ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM. Zoom.

Introduction to the Library Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the Introduction to the Library Workshop, you will learn: Video introduction to GCC Library’s resources and services, followed by listening comprehension questions and discussion , Guided practice using GCC Library’s online catalog and one of the article databases. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Monday, March 10, 2025, 1:00 PM – Monday, March 17, 2025, 11:59 PM. Canvas.

Career Services-Interview Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops  ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Monday, March 10, 2025, 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM. Zoom.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Critical Reading of College-Level Texts

Workshops for Success Learn how to read a complex essay using close reading strategies (such as highlighting and annotation) to increase comprehension and appreciation of ideas.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Leiza Castillo. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

PROMISE PLUSE+ Resume Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops, ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: OneSearch for Books & Articles Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the OneSearch for Books & Articles Workshop, you will learn: Be introduced to a discovery tool that searches for books and articles in a single search. , Design and perform search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters to filter results , Critically assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms and/or abstracts. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 1:00 PM – Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Alfa Animation Art Day

Events/Activities Alfa Animation Art Day Students can participate in chalk murals and painting canvases. Snacks and art supplies will be provided and everyone is welcome! . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Admitted? Next Steps Workshop - In Person

Workshops for Success Admitted? Next Steps Workshop, Were you admitted to a UC or CSU for Fall 2025? Congratulations! Attend this workshop to learn about the steps required prior to transfer. Date: Tuesday, March 11, Time: 2 to 3pm, Where: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Women Blooming Together: A Luncheon Nurturing Growth and Connection

Events/Activities Join us for a delightful afternoon of fellowship and conversation as we gather to support one another as women at GCC. This is an inclusive space and all are welcome. RSVP is required as attendance is limited. Our theme for this year's event is "Women Blooming Together: A Luncheon Nurturing Growth and Connection". We will gather to share stories, experiences, and ideas about female mentorship and supporting one another in our personal and professional lives. With a delicious meal from Chef Feldman and the GCC Culinary Department, we will also have an open discussion and networking, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Contact: Aisha Conner-Gaten, Librarian, Women's History Month Committee. Organization: Library & Learning Resource. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Five Essay Fixes to Get You from a C to an A

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to common writing problems that dramatically impact student success in writing courses. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Leiza Castillo. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

CSUN Next Steps Presentation - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN Next Steps Presentation  Congratulations on applying to transfer! What comes next? Join us to discover the subsequent steps in the transfer process and important upcoming deadlines to keep in mind towards your admission to CSUN. Date: Thursday, March 13, Time: 10am to 11am, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments, Request a one-on-one advising session with our CSUN Admission Counselor, Andrew Diaz, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Date: Thursday, March 13, Time: 11am to 2pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Eye witness: Journalist Looks Back to the Future

Events/Activities Emmy award-winning journalist, activist and author Yolanda Nava shares instructive stories, hers tory, strategies, and empowering wisdom as we head into the next phase of the women's movement. . Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Megan Torrey-Payne. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Growing Your Potential. Please list External Presenter: Yolanda Nava. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Student Center 212.

I.S.GO! Restaurant Hop

Events/Activities Bond with your fellow GCC students and ISO staff as we sample some of the best food from around the world that Glendale has to offer! This is your chance to try new dishes or new restaurants in the local area. Bring your appetite and let's go on this culinary adventure together! All students welcome. ,   SAMPLE MENU (actual event menu may vary), Savory empanadas from Argentina , Sushi from Japan , Dumplings and khachapuri from Georgia , Delicious kabobs and khoresht from Iran/Armenia , Crepas con cajeta from Mexico ,   Event Details , Cost: $30. Includes food & gratuities at all restaurants included on the tour. Beverages may be purchased separately by participants. Meet: First restaurant location in Glendale. Participants must complete the entire restaurant hop with the group. Register: By Friday, March 7 in ISO (3rd floor, Sierra Vista). Space is limited to 20 attendees so reserve your spot now! Exact cash only. We cannot make change for you in the office. We cannot accept credit… Organization: International Student Office. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Off Campus.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Academic Honesty: Now with ChatGPT

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to the concept of Academic Honesty, the academic honesty policy at GCC, the consequences of academic dishonesty, causes of academic dishonesty, and strategies for avoiding academic dishonesty. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Christina Sheldon. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

USC Campus Tour

Workshops for Success University Tours, If you're interested in joining any of the campus tours below, please complete the interest form to receive additional details. Transportation to and from GCC will be provided. For any questions, feel free to call us at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5442. USC: March 14 , CSULA: March 28 , Cal Poly Pomona: April 25 , UCLA Stomp Conference: May 2 , INTEREST FORM. Organization: Transfer Center. Friday, March 14, 2025, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Off Campus.

HRI Movie Night

Events/Activities It is a Movie Night fundraising event, where we will watch "Honest Tieves." All the funds raised will be going to the Hidden Road Initiative non-profit organization that supports students living in Armenian border villages. . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Hidden Road Club. Friday, March 14, 2025, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Latinx Family Day

Events/Activities Latinx Family Day is a lively college event celebrating Latinx culture and heritage. Students, families, and faculty gather for cultural activities, food, and workshops, fostering connection and supporting student success in a welcoming, inclusive environment. Organization: Student Affairs. Saturday, March 15, 2025, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Sierra Vista 364 - Vaquero Success Center Internal Classroom.


Events/Activities IOC meetings for Spring 2025. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Monday, March 17, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Outlining and Essay Structure: The Fundamentals and Beyond

Workshops for Success Learn how to brainstorm and outline a basic essay in accordance with standard conventions of style, structure, and format. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. A Zoom link will be emailed to students before the start of the workshop. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

Lucky Leprechaun Bash

Events/Activities This is the first Spring event for our PP+ Spring series. It's a form of social event for students to meet their peers and simultaneously partake in a fun activity related to St. Patrick's Day. Organization: Student Affairs, Vaquero Success Center. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

CSULA Drop-In Advising - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Drop-In Advising, Drop in and meet with your CSULA representative, Jacob Quintana, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Jacob will be at GCC the following dates: Monday, February 24, 1 to 3pm, Tuesday, March 4, 10am to 12pm, Tuesday, March 18, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 7, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 21, 1 to 3pm, No need to sign up in advance. Just stop by! The Transfer Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Glendale Community College Board of Trustees Meetings

Events/Activities Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings, Agendas, Supporting Documents, and Minutes for Board of Trustees Meetings. Organization: Board Of Trustees. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Images of Girls and Girlhood in Children's and YA Literature Illustration

Events/Activities This lecture will consider several popular young adult and children's fantasy series that are written for and about girls. It will focus especially on the cover art and illustration of these series, and question how the publishing industry markets girlhood to child readers. The lecture will be presented in conjunction with an ongoing series of Women History Month events in March. Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Emily Shartrand. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Growing Your Potential. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Summary vs. Analysis: How to Analyze Complex Texts

Workshops for Success Learn to differentiate clearly between summary and analysis and how to write a summary and analysis. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. NOTE: This workshop is asynchronous. Students must register by 12:30 pm on Wednesday, 3/19/25. Students must complete workshop on Canvas on 11:59 pm on Thursday 3/20/25. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30 PM – Thursday, March 20, 2025, 11:59 PM. Online.

Career Services-Interview Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops  ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM. Zoom.

We Belong in the Weight Room

Events/Activities As a part of Women's History Month, this workshop crushes the myth that women should not lift heavy weights. Resistance training builds strong muscles and bones, prevents injuries and chronic disease, and boosts brain health for humans of all genders. Lifting weights is not only good for the body and brain, it builds confidence and resilience that we can carry into the rest of our lives. We should not fear the weight "pit" in the gym - we belong here.  Students will learn appropriate technique for 3 basic lifts: bench press, squat, and deadlift using either barbells or dumbbells. We will cover how to use the squat racks/rigs for barbell lifts and how to safely spot each other. Please wear athletic clothing and shoes to participate.   . Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Erin Calderone. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Vaquero Athletic Complex 001 - Weight Training.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, March 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Workshop - In Person

Workshops for Success Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Workshop, Come learn about financial aid opportunities available to help pay for a university education, and how to understand your financial aid award.  Date: Thursday, March 20, Time: 11am to 12pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, March 20, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Recognizing Sources Library Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered in person at Verdugo Campus. Students will complete activities in person with a librarian. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.   In this Recognizing Sources Workshop, you will: Recognize that information from a variety of source types may be valuable depending on context and discipline, within various communities of knowledge and modalities of information sharing , Interpret authority in different contexts including by discipline, by profession and within communities of knowledge. Organization: Library. Friday, March 21, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Library Building 313*.

HSI Collaborative - March Meeting

Events/Activities The Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Collaborative is a group of faculty, staff, administrators, and students dedicated to advancing GCC's identity as a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Each meeting has a set of topics that facilitate a discussion about how we, as a college, can better serve our Hispanic and Latino students. This meeting is open to all, including students! Organization: Title V. Monday, March 24, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM. Administration Building 217.

Research Questions Library Workshop

Workshops for Success This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  In this Research Questions Workshop, you will: <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">articulate the needs and scope of research, such as deadlines, source types, citation style, and other project requirements  <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">formulate a research question to guide inquiry  , <span data-contrast="auto">About Workshops for Success<span data-contrast="auto">: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer,… Organization: Library. Registration Link: Monday, March 24, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Zoom.

Alpha Gamma Sigma Movie Night

Events/Activities Alpha Gamma Sigma Movie Night. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alpha Gamma Sigma. Monday, March 24, 2025, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Mount Saint Mary's University Tabling Visit

Workshops for Success Mount Saint Mary's University Tabling Visit, Stop by and connect with an admission counselor from Mount Saint Mary's University! They will be tabling outside the Sierra Vista building, offering resources, and answering your admissions questions. Date: Tuesday, March 25, Time: 10am to 12pm, Location: Outside the Sierra Vista building, . Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Sierra Vista Plaza.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Paragraph Development: When Your Professor Writes "More Here"

Workshops for Success Learn how to compose paragraphs that expand on ideas meaningfully without resorting to repetition, summary, or assertion. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

Policy Pathways Panel

Events/Activities Roundtable of elected officials reflecting on and sharing their experiences to achieving alternative pathways of getting more politically involved. Organization: Student Affairs. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 12:20 PM – 1:30 PM. Buena Vista Science Center 101.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Reproductive Justice Activism: Documentary Screening of No Más Bebés

Events/Activities Reproductive injustices in the U.S. like forced sterilization and medical experimentation, have been fueled by eugenics, medical racism, and anti-immigration rhetoric. As confirmed by the hundreds of women sterilized between 2001 and 2010 in California prisons and the forty immigrant women of color sterilized in 2018 in a private Georgia immigration detention center, eugenics practices continue across the United States. Women of color have responded to this continued reproductive oppression through reproductive justice activism. Come learn about a powerful example of reproductive justice activism by watching the documentary No Más Bebés<span data-contrast="auto"> directed by Renee Tajima-Peña. No Más Bebés<span data-contrast="auto"> depicts the forced sterilization of Latinas at a Los Angeles County hospital in the 1970s and the subsequent fight for reproductive justice that led to historical changes in the medical field surrounding informed consent. Following the documentary, there will be a short… Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Heather Ramos. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Include a few bullet points on how this PD can improve staff job performance.: This is a Women's History month event. The benefits for CPGU I see are: 1. Including all employee groups in the Women's history month events. 2. Informing the classified professionals about ongoing things that our students or other colleagues may face. 3. Building empathy and social justice awareness as a whole college. --Tiffany Added this after speaking with Heather in a follow up. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Library Building 222.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Academic Honesty: Now with ChatGPT

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to the concept of Academic Honesty, the academic honesty policy at GCC, the consequences of academic dishonesty, causes of academic dishonesty, and strategies for avoiding academic dishonesty. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Shant Shahoian. Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Introduction to the Library Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the Introduction to the Library Workshop, you will learn: Video introduction to GCC Library’s resources and services, followed by listening comprehension questions and discussion , Guided practice using GCC Library’s online catalog and one of the article databases. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 1:00 PM – Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 11:59 PM. Canvas.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Five Essay Fixes to Get You from a C to an A

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to common writing problems that dramatically impact student success in writing courses. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

First Gen: Alejandra Campoverdi

Events/Activities Join us for an engaging event with Alejandra Campoverdi, author of First Gen: A Memoir, on in the Student Center. Campoverdi’s memoir is an unflinching look at her journey as a first-generation Latina navigating the complex worlds of social mobility, identity, and resilience. From growing up on welfare to working in the Obama White House, attending Harvard, and running for U.S. Congress, her story is both inspiring and thought-provoking. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a national bestselling author whose life experiences speak directly to the unspoken challenges and emotional tolls faced by trailblazers. Open to all students, staff, and community members! Alejandra's national bestselling book, FIRST GEN, is the winner of the Dolores Huerta Award by the International Latino Book Awards, who also named Alejandra its 2024 Rising Star in Nonfiction. FIRST GEN is also the winner of the Martin Cruz Smith Award and was chosen by the Council for Opportunity in Education as their 2024 Opportunity Matters… Organization: Library & Learning Resource. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Student Center 212, Student Center 212 Patio.

Library Workshops for Success: OneSearch for Books & Articles Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the OneSearch for Books & Articles Workshop, you will learn: Be introduced to a discovery tool that searches for books and articles in a single search. , Design and perform search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters to filter results , Critically assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms and/or abstracts. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 1:00 PM – Friday, April 4, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

CSULA Campus Tour

Workshops for Success University Tours, If you're interested in joining any of the campus tours below, please complete the interest form to receive additional details. Transportation to and from GCC will be provided. For any questions, feel free to call us at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5442. USC: March 14 , CSULA: March 28 , Cal Poly Pomona: April 25 , UCLA Stomp Conference: May 2 , INTEREST FORM. Organization: Transfer Center. Friday, March 28, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Off Campus.

Library Workshops for Success: News and Media Literacy Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the News & Media Literacy Canvas Workshop, you will learn: Evaluate online news and media sources in order to locate objective and verifiable information , Locate news sources in the GCC library including OneSearch and library databases , Discuss the importance of credible online news sources for your life and community. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Friday, March 28, 2025, 1:00 PM – Saturday, April 5, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Hidden Road Initiative Club- Game Night

Events/Activities It is a fundraising event where we will be playing mafia game. $5 enterance fee will be charged and all the funds will be going to Hidden Road Initiative non-profit organization that supports students living in Armenian border villages. . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Hidden Road Club. Friday, March 28, 2025, 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Cesar Chavez Day - Campus Closed

Campus Closures Cesar Chavez Day - Campus Closed. Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, March 31, 2025.

Library Workshops for Success: Using Peer-Reviewed Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Differentiate between popular and peer-reviewed sources.   , Use the ProQuest database to locate a peer-reviewed article. , , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Monday, March 31, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #1: Expanding your Brain

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about how our brain develops new neural pathways when we learn new skills and how practicing those new skills can make those pathways stronger. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Mitchell-Marell. Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

PROMISE PLUS+ Resume Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops   ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: Information Honor Code

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Describe the ethical & legal standards underlying the use of information in college, the workplace, and on the Internet , Use citation and attribution to give credit to the ideas and work of others , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Zoom.

Denied? Let's Talk Options Workshop - In Person

Workshops for Success Denied? Let's Talk Options Workshop, If you received a denial letter from a university, come learn about options you have, including how to submit an appeal. Date: Wednesday, April 2, Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: MLA & APA Documentation: Why? When? How?

Workshops for Success Learn about stylistic requirements and citation guidelines mandated by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Christina Sheldon. Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Community Creative Writing Night

Events/Activities Community Creative Writing Night. Organization: English Division. Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Student Center 212.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Fall 2026 Transfer Basics Workshop - In Person

Workshops for Success Fall 2026 Transfer Basics Workshop, Planning to transfer in Fall 2026? Learn about the important steps and deadlines involved in the application process, so that you’re prepared for what’s to come! Date: Thursday, April 3, Time: 11:00am to 12:00pm, Where: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Lunch and Conversation: International Student Stress! (And How to Handle It)

Events/Activities Thursday, April 3, Lunch and Conversation: International Student Stress! (And How to Handle It)! 12:30 pm PT, SV 230  OR  Zoom:, The International Student Lunch and Conversation program is a space for you to make friends and talk about life as an international student in the U.S. and at GCC. This month’s workshop will focus on International Student Stress! (And How to Handle It)! Being an international student often means you face more stress than the average GCC student. This workshop will explore coping strategies to enhance your well-being and manage a range of emotions. These skills can really come in handy when preparing for midterms and finals (and managing your parents’ expectations)!  You may join this session in-person or via Zoom. If you will be joining in-person, you must RSVP here at least 48 hours in advance to have lunch ordered for you. If no in-person RSVPs are received within 48 hours of the event, it will switch to Zoom only.    Zoom… Organization: International Student Office. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 230, Zoom.

Learning Center Workshops for Success : Keys to College Success #2: Learning to Succeed

Workshops for Success This workshop focuses on the concept that it's important to work smarter, not just harder, and that working smarter means finding good strategies and being willing to ask for help from others. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Deadline to apply for Admission for Summer 2025 and be eligible for priority registration.

Important Dates Deadline to apply for Admission for Summer 2025 and be eligible for priority registration. Organization: Admissions & Records. Friday, April 4, 2025.

CSUN Next Steps Presentation - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN Next Steps Presentation  Congratulations on applying to transfer! What comes next? Join us to discover the subsequent steps in the transfer process and important upcoming deadlines to keep in mind towards your admission to CSUN. Date: Monday, April 7, Time: 10am to 11am, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 7, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments, Request a one-on-one advising session with our CSUN Admission Counselor, Andrew Diaz, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Date: Monday, April 7, Time: 11am to 2pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 7, 2025, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

CSULA Drop-In Advising - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Drop-In Advising, Drop in and meet with your CSULA representative, Jacob Quintana, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Jacob will be at GCC the following dates: Monday, February 24, 1 to 3pm, Tuesday, March 4, 10am to 12pm, Tuesday, March 18, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 7, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 21, 1 to 3pm, No need to sign up in advance. Just stop by! The Transfer Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 7, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

CSULA Next Steps Presentation - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Next Steps Presentation, Congratulations on applying to transfer! What comes next? Join us to discover the subsequent steps in the transfer process and important upcoming deadlines to keep in mind towards your admission to CSULA. February 10, 1:00- 1:30 pm, March 4, 10:00am-10:30am, April 7, 1:00-1:30pm, All presentations will take place in the Transfer Center on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 7, 2025, 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.


Events/Activities IOC meetings for Spring 2025. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Monday, April 7, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Culture day (HRI)

Events/Activities Culture day (HRI) Scholars will gather and introduce a unique aspect of a culture of their own or one they are fascinated by. . Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Scholars Program. Monday, April 7, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Donation + Donuts

Events/Activities This event is an opportunity for Promise Plus+ students to donate clothes or shoes to a charitable organization. Organization: Student Affairs, Vaquero Success Center. Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #3: Growth Mindset

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how cultivating a growth mindset can increase your chances of succeeding. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. A Zoom link will be emailed to students before the start of the workshop. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell. Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Paragraph Development: When Your Professor Writes "More Here"

Workshops for Success Learn how to compose paragraphs that expand on ideas meaningfully without resorting to repetition, summary, or assertion. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell. Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Library Workshops for Success: Pro-tips for Finding Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Choose specific terms and library tools in order to search more effectively   , Use advanced search strategies in order to find sources in a database  , Identify and use the information in search tool records to determine relevancy to a research topic  , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, April 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: MLA & APA Documentation: Why? When? How?

Workshops for Success Learn about stylistic requirements and citation guidelines mandated by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Thursday, April 10, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

VSC Spring 2025 Resource Fair

Events/Activities This recurring event is designed to cater to GCC students to familiarize themselves with the different programs and departments on campus. Organization: Vaquero Success Center. Thursday, April 10, 2025, 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Recognizing Sources Library Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered in person at Verdugo Campus. Students will complete activities in person with a librarian. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.   In this Recognizing Sources Workshop, you will: Recognize that information from a variety of source types may be valuable depending on context and discipline, within various communities of knowledge and modalities of information sharing , Interpret authority in different contexts including by discipline, by profession and within communities of knowledge. Organization: Library. Friday, April 11, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Library Building 313*.

Introduction to the Library Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the Introduction to the Library Workshop, you will learn: Video introduction to GCC Library’s resources and services, followed by listening comprehension questions and discussion , Guided practice using GCC Library’s online catalog and one of the article databases. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Saturday, April 12, 2025, 1:00 PM – Saturday, April 19, 2025, 11:59 PM. Canvas.

Spring Vacation

Important Dates Spring Vacation. Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, April 14, 2025 – Saturday, April 19, 2025.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, April 17, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

*Deadline to apply for admission for Fall 2025 and be eligible for priority registration.

Important Dates Deadline to apply for admission for Fall 2025 and be eligible for priority registration.  *First time college students must apply and complete Orientation, and Student Education Plan (SEP) by the application deadline to qualify for priority registration. Organization: Admissions & Records. Friday, April 18, 2025.

Check your Priority Registration Appointment Date and Time for Summer 2025.

Important Dates Check your Priority Registration Appointment Date and Time for Summer 2025, Online at Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, April 21, 2025 – Friday, May 2, 2025.

Refunds for late start classes are automatic for those students who dropped their classes by the appropriate due date.

Important Dates Refunds for late start classes are automatic for those students who dropped their classes by the appropriate due date.  Contact the Student Fees Office for refund questions at Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, April 21, 2025 – Friday, April 25, 2025.

CSULA Drop-In Advising - In Person

Workshops for Success CSULA Drop-In Advising, Drop in and meet with your CSULA representative, Jacob Quintana, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Jacob will be at GCC the following dates: Monday, February 24, 1 to 3pm, Tuesday, March 4, 10am to 12pm, Tuesday, March 18, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 7, 1 to 3pm, Monday, April 21, 1 to 3pm, No need to sign up in advance. Just stop by! The Transfer Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Sierra Vista Building. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 21, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Library Workshops for Success: OneSearch for Books & Articles Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the OneSearch for Books & Articles Workshop, you will learn: Be introduced to a discovery tool that searches for books and articles in a single search. , Design and perform search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters to filter results , Critically assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms and/or abstracts. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Monday, April 21, 2025, 1:00 PM – Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Admitted? Next Steps Workshop - Zoom

Workshops for Success Admitted? Next Steps Workshop, Were you admitted to a UC or CSU for Fall 2025? Congratulations! Attend this workshop to learn about the steps required prior to transfer. Date: Monday, April 21, Time: 6 to 7pm, Where: Zoom, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, April 21, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN 1:1 Advising Appointments, Request a one-on-one advising session with our CSUN Admission Counselor, Andrew Diaz, at the Transfer Center! Get assistance with your application, admission requirements, and transfer process.  Date: Tuesday, April 22, Time: 10am to 1pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Five Essay Fixes to Get You from a C to an A

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to common writing problems that dramatically impact student success in writing courses. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

CSUN Next Steps Presentation - In Person

Workshops for Success CSUN Next Steps Presentation  Congratulations on applying to transfer! What comes next? Join us to discover the subsequent steps in the transfer process and important upcoming deadlines to keep in mind towards your admission to CSUN. Date: Tuesday, April 22, Time: 1pm to 2pm, Location: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Library Workshops for Success: News and Media Literacy Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the News & Media Literacy Canvas Workshop, you will learn: Evaluate online news and media sources in order to locate objective and verifiable information , Locate news sources in the GCC library including OneSearch and library databases , Discuss the importance of credible online news sources for your life and community. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 1:00 PM – Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Glendale Community College Board of Trustees Meetings

Events/Activities Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings, Agendas, Supporting Documents, and Minutes for Board of Trustees Meetings. Organization: Board Of Trustees. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Quote Integration: How to Pick and Place (The Best) Quotations

Workshops for Success This workshop helps students locate, format, edit, and properly cite quotations. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell. Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Workshop - Zoom

Workshops for Success Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Workshop, Come learn about financial aid opportunities available to help pay for a university education, and how to understand your financial aid award.  Date: Wednesday, April 23, Time: 6 to 7pm, Location: Zoom, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day - Campus Closed

Campus Closures Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day - Campus Closed. Organization: Admissions & Records. Thursday, April 24, 2025.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, April 24, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Cal Poly Pomona Campus Tour

Workshops for Success University Tours, If you're interested in joining any of the campus tours below, please complete the interest form to receive additional details. Transportation to and from GCC will be provided. For any questions, feel free to call us at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5442. USC: March 14 , CSULA: March 28 , Cal Poly Pomona: April 25 , UCLA Stomp Conference: May 2 , INTEREST FORM. Organization: Transfer Center. Friday, April 25, 2025, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Off Campus.


Events/Activities IOC meetings for Spring 2025. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Monday, April 28, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Student Center 212.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

From GCC to Colorectal Surgery

Events/Activities BV 101, Dr. Armen Gregorian will share his knowledge about the colorectal surgery career pathway. He will speak about his path in medicine, including the challenges and triumphs that come with pursing such a path. He will also speak about some of his cases and the importance of colorectal health. Organization: Biology Division. Point Person Contact Name: Nare Garibyan. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Engaging Students. Please list External Presenter: Dr. Armen Gregorian. Categories: FLEX, CPGU. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Buena Vista Science Center 101, Buena Vista Science Center 102 - Science Academy.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #1: Expanding your Brain

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about how our brain develops new neural pathways when we learn new skills and how practicing those new skills can make those pathways stronger. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Evidence and Expertise: Using the Best Sources for Your Argument

Workshops for Success Students will learn how to assess sources for evidence and expertise so as to more convincingly support claims in an argumentative essay or speech. Indicators will be reviewed for two key measures of expertise (a.k.a. authority: author experience that is relevant to the topic under consideration) and evidence (such as documented methods, cross-references, or quotations from subject experts). Students will be encouraged to consider these indicators in evaluating and choosing sources wisely to strengthen the credibility of their own arguments.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Christina Sheldon. Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, May 1, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Cinco de Mayo with Promise Plus+

Events/Activities This is a Promise Plus+ event meant to serve as a celebration/social gathering. Organization: Student Affairs, Vaquero Success Center. Thursday, May 1, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM. Student Center 212, Student Center 212 Patio.

Learning Center Workshops for Success : Keys to College Success #2: Learning to Succeed

Workshops for Success This workshop focuses on the concept that it's important to work smarter, not just harder, and that working smarter means finding good strategies and being willing to ask for help from others. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Thursday, May 1, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

UCLA Stomp Conference

Workshops for Success University Tours, If you're interested in joining any of the campus tours below, please complete the interest form to receive additional details. Transportation to and from GCC will be provided. For any questions, feel free to call us at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5442. USC: March 14 , CSULA: March 28 , Cal Poly Pomona: April 25 , UCLA Stomp Conference: May 2 , INTEREST FORM. Organization: Transfer Center. Friday, May 2, 2025, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Off Campus.

Recognizing Sources Library Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered in person at Verdugo Campus. Students will complete activities in person with a librarian. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.   In this Recognizing Sources Workshop, you will: Recognize that information from a variety of source types may be valuable depending on context and discipline, within various communities of knowledge and modalities of information sharing , Interpret authority in different contexts including by discipline, by profession and within communities of knowledge. Organization: Library. Friday, May 2, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Library Building 313*.

Community Open House

Events/Activities More information coming soon! . Organization: Student Outreach Team. Saturday, May 3, 2025, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Check your Priority Registration Appointment Date and Time for Fall 2025 semester.

Important Dates Check your Priority Registration Appointment Date and Time for Fall 2025 semester.  Online at Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, May 5, 2025 – Friday, May 30, 2025.

Mount Saint Mary's University Tabling Visit

Workshops for Success Mount Saint Mary's University Tabling Visit, Stop by and connect with an admission counselor from Mount Saint Mary's University! They will be tabling outside the Sierra Vista building, offering resources, and answering your admissions questions. Date: Monday, May 5, Time: 10am to 12pm, Location: Outside the Sierra Vista building. Organization: Transfer Center. Monday, May 5, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Sierra Vista Plaza.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Executive Candidate Meet and Greet

Events/Activities Executive Candidate Meet and Greet. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Introduction to the Library Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the Introduction to the Library Workshop, you will learn: Video introduction to GCC Library’s resources and services, followed by listening comprehension questions and discussion , Guided practice using GCC Library’s online catalog and one of the article databases. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 1:00 PM – Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 11:59 PM. Canvas.

Denied? Let's Talk Options Workshop - Zoom

Workshops for Success Denied? Let's Talk Options Workshop, If you received a denial letter from a university, come learn about options you have, including how to submit an appeal. Date: Tuesday, May 6, Time: 2 to 3pm, Location: Zoom, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Zoom.

PROMISE PLUS+ Resume Workshop

Workshops for Success Workshops are on Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to your GCC email the day of. Register online in MyGCC - Other Services - Workshops - Career Workshops   ASL interpreters are available upon request. For information, please email Organization: Career Center. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Keys to College Success #3: Growth Mindset

Workshops for Success In this workshop, students will learn about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and how cultivating a growth mindset can increase your chances of succeeding. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Note: The Keys to College Success workshops are presented as a series of five, but you don't have to take all five. In addition, the workshops can be taken in any order and in any combination of days and times that work for you. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. A Zoom link will be emailed to students before the start of the workshop. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Elizabeth Bryer. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Research Questions Library Workshop

Workshops for Success This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  In this Research Questions Workshop, you will: <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">articulate the needs and scope of research, such as deadlines, source types, citation style, and other project requirements  <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">formulate a research question to guide inquiry  , <span data-contrast="auto">About Workshops for Success<span data-contrast="auto">: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer,… Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. Zoom.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Academic Honesty: Now with ChatGPT

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to the concept of Academic Honesty, the academic honesty policy at GCC, the consequences of academic dishonesty, causes of academic dishonesty, and strategies for avoiding academic dishonesty. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Shant Shahoian. Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Fall 2026 Transfer Basics Workshop - Zoom

Workshops for Success Fall 2026 Transfer Basics Workshop, Planning to transfer in Fall 2026? Learn about the important steps and deadlines involved in the application process, so that you’re prepared for what’s to come! Date: Wednesday, May 7, Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm, Where: Zoom, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, May 8, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Admitted? Next Steps Workshop - In Person

Workshops for Success Admitted? Next Steps Workshop, Were you admitted to a UC or CSU for Fall 2025? Congratulations! Attend this workshop to learn about the steps required prior to transfer. Date: Thursday, May 8, Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm, Where: Transfer Center, Sierra Vista Building, 3rd floor, REGISTER HERE. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, May 8, 2025, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Sierra Vista 3TC - Transfer Center.

Library Workshops for Success: OneSearch for Books & Articles Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the OneSearch for Books & Articles Workshop, you will learn: Be introduced to a discovery tool that searches for books and articles in a single search. , Design and perform search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters to filter results , Critically assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms and/or abstracts. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Thursday, May 8, 2025, 1:00 PM – Friday, May 16, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: MLA & APA Documentation: Why? When? How?

Workshops for Success Learn about stylistic requirements and citation guidelines mandated by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Christina Sheldon. Thursday, May 8, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Petition for graduation and to have your name in the spring graduation program due in the Office of Admissions

Important Dates Petition for graduation and to have your name in the spring graduation program due in the Office of Admissions and Records. Organization: Admissions & Records. Friday, May 9, 2025.

Recognizing Sources Library Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered in person at Verdugo Campus. Students will complete activities in person with a librarian. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.   In this Recognizing Sources Workshop, you will: Recognize that information from a variety of source types may be valuable depending on context and discipline, within various communities of knowledge and modalities of information sharing , Interpret authority in different contexts including by discipline, by profession and within communities of knowledge. Organization: Library. Friday, May 9, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Library Building 313*.

Library Workshops for Success: News and Media Literacy Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the News & Media Literacy Canvas Workshop, you will learn: Evaluate online news and media sources in order to locate objective and verifiable information , Locate news sources in the GCC library including OneSearch and library databases , Discuss the importance of credible online news sources for your life and community. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Friday, May 9, 2025, 1:00 PM – Saturday, May 17, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Priority Registration for Fall 2025

Important Dates Priority Registration for Fall 2025. Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, May 12, 2025 – Friday, May 30, 2025.

Student Research Symposium

Events/Activities <span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">GCC is hosting our 3rd-annual Research Symposium to highlight exemplary student work on May 12, 2025. Students will present original work or research conducted for any major class assignment. Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Stacy Jazan. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Engaging Students. Categories: FLEX, CPGU. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Monday, May 12, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Student Center 212, Student Center 212 Patio.

ASGCC IOC Orgs Committee

Events/Activities ASGCC IOC Orgs committee. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College. Monday, May 12, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Buena Vista Science Center 101.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Five Essay Fixes to Get You from a C to an A

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to common writing problems that dramatically impact student success in writing courses. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Leiza Castillo. Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Introductions and Conclusions: How to Start (and End) Your Essays

Workshops for Success Learn concrete techniques for crafting innovative introductory paragraphs, which include creative lures and clear thesis sentences, and compelling concluding paragraphs, which do not simply repeat information found in the essay. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: Pro-tips for Finding Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Choose specific terms and library tools in order to search more effectively   , Use advanced search strategies in order to find sources in a database  , Identify and use the information in search tool records to determine relevancy to a research topic  , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, May 15, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

VSC Spring 2025 Resource Fair

Events/Activities This recurring event is designed to cater to GCC students to familiarize themselves with the different programs and departments on campus. Organization: Vaquero Success Center. Thursday, May 15, 2025, 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Vaquero Plaza.

Lunch and Conversation: Affording Life in California

Events/Activities Thursday, May 15, Lunch and Conversation: Affording Life in California, 12:30 pm PT, SV 230  OR  Zoom:, The International Student Lunch and Conversation program is a space for you to make friends and talk about life as an international student in the U.S. and at GCC. This month’s workshop will focus on Affording Life in California! Let’s talk all things money! We’ll go over the basics of managing your finances, practical money saving tips, avoiding phone/email scams, and responsible borrowing in the US. We’ll also take a moment to spotlight GCC’s financial assistance programs.  You may join this session in-person or via Zoom. If you will be joining in-person, you must RSVP here at least 48 hours in advance to have lunch ordered for you. If no in-person RSVPs are received within 48 hours of the event, it will switch to Zoom only.    Zoom Instructions, We highly recommend downloading Zoom at least 15 minutes before the meeting begins. To avoid Zoom… Organization: International Student Office. Thursday, May 15, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 230, Zoom.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Evidence and Expertise: Using the Best Sources for Your Argument

Workshops for Success Students will learn how to assess sources for evidence and expertise so as to more convincingly support claims in an argumentative essay or speech. Indicators will be reviewed for two key measures of expertise (a.k.a. authority: author experience that is relevant to the topic under consideration) and evidence (such as documented methods, cross-references, or quotations from subject experts). Students will be encouraged to consider these indicators in evaluating and choosing sources wisely to strengthen the credibility of their own arguments.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career… Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Christina Sheldon. Thursday, May 15, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: Using Peer-Reviewed Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Differentiate between popular and peer-reviewed sources.   , Use the ProQuest database to locate a peer-reviewed article. , , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Monday, May 19, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Zoom.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Quote Integration: How to Pick and Place (The Best) Quotations

Workshops for Success This workshop helps students locate, format, edit, and properly cite quotations. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Gabrielle Mitchell-Marell. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Glendale Community College Board of Trustees Meetings

Events/Activities Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings, Agendas, Supporting Documents, and Minutes for Board of Trustees Meetings. Organization: Board Of Trustees. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. San Rafael Building 138 - Kreider Hall.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Summary vs. Analysis: How to Analyze Complex Texts

Workshops for Success Learn to differentiate clearly between summary and analysis and how to write a summary and analysis. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. NOTE: This workshop is asynchronous. Students must register by 12:30 pm on Wednesday, 5/21/25. Students must complete workshop on Canvas on 11:59 pm on Thursday 5/22/25. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 12:30 PM – Thursday, May 22, 2025, 11:59 PM. Online.

Library Workshops for Success: Information Honor Code

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Describe the ethical & legal standards underlying the use of information in college, the workplace, and on the Internet , Use citation and attribution to give credit to the ideas and work of others , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, May 22, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Research Questions Library Workshop

Workshops for Success This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  In this Research Questions Workshop, you will: <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">articulate the needs and scope of research, such as deadlines, source types, citation style, and other project requirements  <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">formulate a research question to guide inquiry  , <span data-contrast="auto">About Workshops for Success<span data-contrast="auto">: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer,… Organization: Library. Registration Link: Thursday, May 22, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

How to Run for Office Roundtable

Events/Activities Roundtable to discuss logistics and experiences about how officials run for office. . Organization: Student Affairs. Thursday, May 22, 2025, 12:20 PM – 1:30 PM. Buena Vista Science Center 101.

Introduction to the Library Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the Introduction to the Library Workshop, you will learn: Video introduction to GCC Library’s resources and services, followed by listening comprehension questions and discussion , Guided practice using GCC Library’s online catalog and one of the article databases. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Friday, May 23, 2025, 1:00 PM – Friday, May 30, 2025, 11:59 PM. Canvas.

Library Workshops for Success: OneSearch for Books & Articles Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the OneSearch for Books & Articles Workshop, you will learn: Be introduced to a discovery tool that searches for books and articles in a single search. , Design and perform search strategies by brainstorming keywords, refining search terms, and using advanced limiters to filter results , Critically assess sources for relevance, considering subject terms and/or abstracts. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Saturday, May 24, 2025, 1:00 PM – Sunday, June 1, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Memorial Day Observed - Campus Closed

Campus Closures Memorial Day Observed - Campus Closed. Organization: Admissions & Records. Monday, May 26, 2025.

Alfa Animation General Club Meeting

Events/Activities Alfa Animation General Club Meeting. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, Alfa Animation Club. Tuesday, May 27, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Sierra Vista Building 235.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: MLA & APA Documentation: Why? When? How?

Workshops for Success Learn about stylistic requirements and citation guidelines mandated by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association.  To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Tuesday, May 27, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Red Cross Club Blood Drive

Events/Activities Red Cross Club Blood Drive. Organization: Associated Students Glendale College, GCC Red Cross Club. Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Planetarium Show

Events/Activities The weekly planetarium shows cover a different topic in Astronomy or an Astronomy related field each week.  The goal of this event is to introduce people to the GCC Digital Planetarium while teaching Astronomy in a fun approachable way.   We strive to entertain, educate, and inspire interest in Astronomy and the immersive media used to present it. Organization: Planetarium. Point Person Contact Name: Barbara Falkowski. Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Barbara Falkowski, Jenny Krestow. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Technology & Innovation. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM. Cimmarusti Science Center 257*.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Paragraph Development: When Your Professor Writes "More Here"

Workshops for Success Learn how to compose paragraphs that expand on ideas meaningfully without resorting to repetition, summary, or assertion. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Leiza Castillo. Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: News and Media Literacy Canvas Workshop

Workshops for Success Library workshops will be delivered asynchronously via Canvas. Students have one week from the start of the workshop to complete activities in Canvas. The content of the workshop takes about one hour.  In the News & Media Literacy Canvas Workshop, you will learn: Evaluate online news and media sources in order to locate objective and verifiable information , Locate news sources in the GCC library including OneSearch and library databases , Discuss the importance of credible online news sources for your life and community. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 1:00 PM – Thursday, June 5, 2025, 12:00 AM. Canvas.

Library Workshops for Success: Using Peer-Reviewed Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Differentiate between popular and peer-reviewed sources.   , Use the ProQuest database to locate a peer-reviewed article. , , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Zoom.


Events/Activities ON TRACK is an opportunity to improve your physical fitness while conversing and learning with other participants. Open to all GCC community members - students, faculty, staff, administrators.  Meet us on the Verdugo track, log some steps, and make a new connection! Organization: Professional Development. Point Person Contact Name: Rachel Ridgway. Primary Professional Development Focus Area: Building Belonging. Categories: FLEX. Would you like this event on a calendar? TRUE. Thursday, May 29, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM. Sartoris Field Track.

Transfer Celebration

Workshops for Success Transfer Celebration, May 29th, 2026. Organization: Transfer Center. Thursday, May 29, 2025, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Student Center 212.

Learning Center Workshops for Success: Five Essay Fixes to Get You from a C to an A

Workshops for Success Students will be introduced to common writing problems that dramatically impact student success in writing courses. To learn more about this workshop, click here for an outline. Students must register for workshops at least one hour before the start of each workshop. Instructions to enroll via Zoom will be emailed to registered students approximately one hour before the workshop begins. The Learning Center also offers other free services including free tutoring. About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Learning Center. Instructor: Web Site: Registration Link: Internal Presenter(s) [including yourself, if applicable]: Ashley Gipp. Thursday, May 29, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: Pro-tips for Finding Sources

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Choose specific terms and library tools in order to search more effectively   , Use advanced search strategies in order to find sources in a database  , Identify and use the information in search tool records to determine relevancy to a research topic  , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Thursday, May 29, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Zoom.

Library Workshops for Success: Information Honor Code

Workshops for Success In this workshop, you will learn to: Describe the ethical & legal standards underlying the use of information in college, the workplace, and on the Internet , Use citation and attribution to give credit to the ideas and work of others , This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  About Workshops for Success: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer, and into the “real world.” Consult the GCC Calendar and select "Workshops for Success" for a complete list of workshops. Organization: Library. Registration Link: Friday, May 30, 2025, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM. Zoom.

Research Questions Library Workshop

Workshops for Success This library workshop will be delivered synchronously via Zoom. Students will receive email invitations with Zoom information for the workshop. Deadline to register for workshops is the day of the workshop.  In this Research Questions Workshop, you will: <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-aria-level="1">articulate the needs and scope of research, such as deadlines, source types, citation style, and other project requirements  <li data-leveltext="o" data-font="Courier New" data-listid="5" data-list-defn-props="{" aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-aria-level="1">formulate a research question to guide inquiry  , <span data-contrast="auto">About Workshops for Success<span data-contrast="auto">: A collaboration between The Learning Center, Library, Transfer Center, and Career Center, the Workshops for Success Series advances students’ academic and critical thinking skills now, upon transfer,… Organization: Library. Registration Link: Saturday, May 31, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Zoom.