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Boot Camp
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLQ.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:15 AM – 7:00 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Garcia Orchestra Project
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQBFR.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Mezzanine Hallway.
Garcia Orchestra Project
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQCPX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Weekday Campus Presentation/Tour
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
Student Health Center Advisory Committee
Student Life
Event Title: Student Health Center. Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZBGX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Student Activities Center Palmetto Room 118.
Student Health Center Advisory Committee
Homepage Events
Event Title: Student Health Center. Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZBGX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Poetry Appreciation
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMMV.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM.
USCA LIFE Black Tie Program
Career Services
The Black Tie program teach career-related skills to USCA LIFE students. Upon completion of the program, students will become "black tie-certified," meaning they will have learned the soft skills needed to enter the workforce.
Organization: Career Services - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXSDQ.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Penland Administration Building Room 216.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Student Life
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Homepage Events
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 6 (SAC).
USCA LIFE Black Tie Program
Homepage Events
The Black Tie program teach career-related skills to USCA LIFE students. Upon completion of the program, students will become "black tie-certified," meaning they will have learned the soft skills needed to enter the workforce.
Organization: Career Services - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXSDQ.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
Yoga Gold
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLV.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Neuroscience Club Information Table
Student Life
Neuroscience Club will be hosting an information table that will contain knowledge of Brain Awareness Week coming up and will provide some snacks and drinks as well. While also advertising the club to any students who are interested.
Event Title: Brain Awareness Week Information Table. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZFWT.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Exploring an 18th Century Pantry
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMMW.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Neuroscience Club Information Table
Homepage Events
Neuroscience Club will be hosting an information table that will contain knowledge of Brain Awareness Week coming up and will provide some snacks and drinks as well. While also advertising the club to any students who are interested.
Event Title: Brain Awareness Week Information Table. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZFWT.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 2 (SAC).
Faculty Welfare Meeting
Chemistry & Physics
Organization: Chemistry & Physics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZBDK.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
Sciences Building Room 202 Conference Room.
Diversity Initiatives
This is an open support group for LGBTQIA+ students that meets every other Monday at 2PM!
Organization: Psychology - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVZWX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
Homepage Events
This is an open support group for LGBTQIA+ students that meets every other Monday at 2PM!
Organization: Psychology - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVZWX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
ESA Monthly Meeting
Student Life
Please join us for the monthly meeting of the Engineering Student Association.
Event Title: Engineering Student Association Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQDZV.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
Business and Education Room 143.
ESA Monthly Meeting
Homepage Events
Please join us for the monthly meeting of the Engineering Student Association.
Event Title: Engineering Student Association Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQDZV.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
Southern Tide Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMB.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Lambda Chi Philanthropy Event
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZAJG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Lambda Chi Philanthropy Event
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZAJG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLZ.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Subarashii Anime Club
Student Life
Event Title: Subarashii Anime Club Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWBTB.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 116.
Intramural Dodgeball Tournament
Intramural / Club Sports
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXMS.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Gymnasium.
Subarashii Anime Club
Homepage Events
Event Title: Subarashii Anime Club Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWBTB.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Latin Dance
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNL.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:45 PM – 7:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
ASL Weekday Evening Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLX.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Embrace Fitness Workout
Student Life
Embrace Fitness Workout Day.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWRRK.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Embrace Fitness Workout
Homepage Events
Embrace Fitness Workout Day.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWRRK.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM.
Intramural Basketball Championship
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXXXG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Convocation Center Main Floor.
Intramural Basketball Championship
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXXXG.
Monday, March 3, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Student Life
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 AM – 11:30 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Homepage Events
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 AM – 11:30 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 6 (SAC).
Aiken Association of Realtors
Conference Center
Organization: Conference Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTNWN.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
B&E Room 122 Conference Center - Rental Fee Applies.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
PUB Stuff a Plush
Student Life
PUB will host a stuff a plush event.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTZGN.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMMX.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
PUB Stuff a Plush
Homepage Events
PUB will host a stuff a plush event.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTZGN.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 1 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 2 (SAC).
US Army Information Table
Homepage Events
Interested in a Career in the US Army? Swing by the US Army Information Table to get more information.
Event Title: US Army Information Table: Active & Reserve. Organization: Veteran & Military Student Success - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZFAC.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 3 (SAC).
Strength Gold
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNP.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Ambassador Recruitment and Training
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWM.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
Influential Aikenites
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMMZ.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
20 Pearls: the HIstory of AKA
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWTZR.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 103.
20 Pearls: the HIstory of AKA
Diversity Initiatives
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWTZR.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 103.
20 Pearls: the HIstory of AKA
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWTZR.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
College Democrats Weekly Meetings
Student Life
Weekly meeting of the USC Aiken College Democrats chapter.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTFGK.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 210.
ASL Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLW.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
College Democrats Weekly Meetings
Homepage Events
Weekly meeting of the USC Aiken College Democrats chapter.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTFGK.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
College Democrats Weekly Meetings
Student Life
Weekly meeting of College Democrats.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWWSM.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 206.
Delight Ministries
Student Life
Women's college Bible study group.
Event Title: Delight Ministries - weekly Women's Bible Study. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWNGC.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 143.
Internship 101 w/ Amazon
Student Life
Come learn about how to leverage internships to create opportunities for the future from the Amazon Black Employee Network.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXRQF.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 116.
Movie Night: Amnesia Edition
Student Life
<span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">Movie night with the Neuroscience Club! After Dr. Swain gives a short lecture about amnesia while also bringing awareness to this neurological injury. We will be watching 50 First Dates starring Adam Sandler where his character falls in love with a woman named Lucy, who has retrograde amnesia.
Event Title: Movie Night with the Neuroscience Club. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZFAQ.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 106.
Internship 101 w/ Amazon
Diversity Initiatives
Come learn about how to leverage internships to create opportunities for the future from the Amazon Black Employee Network.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXRQF.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 116.
College Democrats Weekly Meetings
Homepage Events
Weekly meeting of College Democrats.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWWSM.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Delight Ministries
Homepage Events
Women's college Bible study group.
Event Title: Delight Ministries - weekly Women's Bible Study. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWNGC.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Internship 101 w/ Amazon
Homepage Events
Come learn about how to leverage internships to create opportunities for the future from the Amazon Black Employee Network.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXRQF.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Movie Night: Amnesia Edition
Homepage Events
<span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">Movie night with the Neuroscience Club! After Dr. Swain gives a short lecture about amnesia while also bringing awareness to this neurological injury. We will be watching 50 First Dates starring Adam Sandler where his character falls in love with a woman named Lucy, who has retrograde amnesia.
Event Title: Movie Night with the Neuroscience Club. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZFAQ.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Self Improvement Club (SIC) Meeting
Student Life
SIC General Meeting: The Self Improvement Club (SIC) encourages our members to beat procrastination, stay motivated, and try new things in their journey of self development and create a healthy, supportive, and positive community that works towards the betterment of all members and the USCA campus.
Event Title: Self Improvement Club (SIC) Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZABS.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 215.
Strength Circuit
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNS.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Self Improvement Club (SIC) Meeting
Homepage Events
SIC General Meeting: The Self Improvement Club (SIC) encourages our members to beat procrastination, stay motivated, and try new things in their journey of self development and create a healthy, supportive, and positive community that works towards the betterment of all members and the USCA campus.
Event Title: Self Improvement Club (SIC) Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZABS.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
Samba Dance in Brazil's Carnival
ACE Events
Join the Office of International Programs to learn about the art of Samba Dance, learn a few moves, and the importance of Samba in Brazil's Carnival history.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVRW.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
Samba Dance in Brazil's Carnival
Student Life
Join the Office of International Programs to learn about the art of Samba Dance, learn a few moves, and the importance of Samba in Brazil's Carnival history.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVRW.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
USCA NAACP Student Chapter Meeting
Student Life
Regular meeting for student chapter of the NAACP.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWDRV.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 205.
Intramural Dodgeball Tournament
Intramural / Club Sports
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXMS.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Gymnasium.
Samba Dance in Brazil's Carnival
Diversity Initiatives
Join the Office of International Programs to learn about the art of Samba Dance, learn a few moves, and the importance of Samba in Brazil's Carnival history.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVRW.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
USCA NAACP Student Chapter Meeting
Diversity Initiatives
Regular meeting for student chapter of the NAACP.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWDRV.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 205.
Samba Dance in Brazil's Carnival
Homepage Events
Join the Office of International Programs to learn about the art of Samba Dance, learn a few moves, and the importance of Samba in Brazil's Carnival history.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVRW.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
USCA NAACP Student Chapter Meeting
Homepage Events
Regular meeting for student chapter of the NAACP.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWDRV.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Southern Tide Weekday Evening Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMC.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Student Life
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Lambda Chi Alpha Stationary Bike Ride
Homepage Events
Stationary Bike Ride fundraising event for the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSNG.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 6 (SAC).
Boot Camp
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLQ.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:15 AM – 7:00 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
School Group Presentation and Tour
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWL.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
WBB/MBB PBC Basketball Tournament
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADNNWC.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Convocation Center All Spaces.
WBB/MBB PBC Basketball Tournament
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADNNWC.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Savannah River Plant Retrospective
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLMQ.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM.
USCA Career Fair
Career Services
Event Title: USCA Career Fair. Organization: Career Services - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXZN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Gymnasium.
USCA Career Fair
Homepage Events
Event Title: USCA Career Fair. Organization: Career Services - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXZN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Stuff a Plush PUB
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTZRK.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby.
Who's Afraid of Opera
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLMR.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Stuff a Plush PUB
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTZRK.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 4 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 5 (SAC).
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLZ.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Great Decisions
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLAP.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Excel 102
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLAM.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
Lifelong Learning Tech Center.
Gym 101 - Build Muscle the Right Way
ACE Events
Dr. Grieve will share proper form and function for exercising.
Event Title: The WELL. Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXWWR.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
ESA Monthly Meeting
Student Life
This is the monthly meeting of the Engineering Student Association.
Event Title: Engineering Student Association Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWFRL.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 221.
HSA Executive Meeting
Student Life
HSA Executive Meeting.
Event Title: Hispanic Student Association Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWHWD.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
Gregg-Graniteville Library Conference Room 109.
Baseball vs Erskine
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSC.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Roberto Hernandez Baseball Stadium.
Baseball vs Erskine
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSC.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
ESA Monthly Meeting
Homepage Events
This is the monthly meeting of the Engineering Student Association.
Event Title: Engineering Student Association Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWFRL.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
HSA Executive Meeting
Homepage Events
HSA Executive Meeting.
Event Title: Hispanic Student Association Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWHWD.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.
PUB Foam Party
Student Life
Foam Party in the Quad.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTRBK.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Quad - SAC.
Southern Tide Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMB.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
PUB Foam Party
Homepage Events
Foam Party in the Quad.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTRBK.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
USCA Horticulture Club Meeting
Student Life
USCA Horticulture Club Meeting - students learn about horticultural practices as they propagate plants, maintain the community garden and flower bed, and go on field trips.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVVPX.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
Sciences Building Room 107.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNV.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
USCA Horticulture Club Meeting
Homepage Events
USCA Horticulture Club Meeting - students learn about horticultural practices as they propagate plants, maintain the community garden and flower bed, and go on field trips.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVVPX.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
Fall PUB Committee Meeting
Student Life
PUB Committee Meetings are open to all students. Students help plan and run upcoming events.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADPHFX.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 106.
Fall PUB Committee Meeting
Homepage Events
PUB Committee Meetings are open to all students. Students help plan and run upcoming events.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADPHFX.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Student Government Meeting
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZCDN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
Aiken Outdoor Fire Place - Restrictions Apply.
Student Government Meeting
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZCDN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
AIK Fire Place/Quad.
SGA Meetings
Student Life
SGA Weekly Meetings.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVPCN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 235.
Wild n’ Out with GlowL1ght
Student Life
Wild n’ Out with GlowL1ght.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVJLM.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Intramural Dodgeball Tournament
Intramural / Club Sports
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXMS.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Gymnasium.
SGA Meetings
Homepage Events
SGA Weekly Meetings.
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVPCN.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Wild n’ Out with GlowL1ght
Homepage Events
Wild n’ Out with GlowL1ght.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVJLM.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
ASL Swim Team Dry Land
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVWL.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 6:15 PM – 6:55 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Line Dancing
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVWK.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
ASL Weekday Evening Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLX.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Anime Club - Insignia Dance Crew
Student Life
Event Title: K-pop Club. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVWW.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Anime Club - Insignia Dance Crew
Homepage Events
Event Title: K-pop Club. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVWW.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLZ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
iPhone/iPad Camera
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLNA.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Lifelong Learning Tech Center.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNX.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:10 AM – 11:05 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
IFC Carwash
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZBXR.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Patio, Student Activities Center - Starbucks Patio, Main Campus Parking Lot A.
What to Know about End of Life Prep
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLNC.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 106.
Spring Break Alcohol Awareness
Diversity Initiatives
Planning on going out this spring break?
Before your trip, come learn about safe drinking habits.
USCA Counseling Center, Aiken Center, & Tri-Development Center.
Event Title: Spring Break Alcohol Awareness Event. Organization: Counseling Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADPWNR.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center - Cafeteria Lobby, Student Activities Center -…
IFC Carwash
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZBXR.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
STUCTR Patio (SAC), STUCTR Starbucks Patio (SAC), Parking Lot A- Aiken.
Spring Break Alcohol Awareness
Homepage Events
Planning on going out this spring break?
Before your trip, come learn about safe drinking habits.
USCA Counseling Center, Aiken Center, & Tri-Development Center.
Event Title: Spring Break Alcohol Awareness Event. Organization: Counseling Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADPWNR.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 1 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 2 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 3 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 4 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 5 (SAC), STUCTR Cafeteria Lobby Space 6 (SAC).
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPD.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Weekday Campus Presentation/Tour
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWH.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
Europe 1985: A trip like no other
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMNA.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM.
Chicago Style
ACE Events
This workshop, led by Dr. Bowdoin from the Gregg-Graniteville Library, assists students with Chicago style and documentation.
Event Title: Writing Center Workshop: Chicago Style. Organization: Writing Room - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWQTJ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
H&SS Room 119 - Writing Center Workshop Location.
Chicago Style
Writing Room Workshops
This workshop, led by Dr. Bowdoin from the Gregg-Graniteville Library, assists students with Chicago style and documentation.
Event Title: Writing Center Workshop: Chicago Style. Organization: Writing Room - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWQTJ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
H&SS Room 119 - Writing Center Workshop Location.
Women's History Month Jeopardy
Student Life
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWWXQ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Boxing Circuit
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPF.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM.
Business and Education Room 002.
ASL Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLW.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Women's History Month Jeopardy
Diversity Initiatives
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWWXQ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Women's History Month Jeopardy
Homepage Events
Organization: Student Life - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWWXQ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Strength Circuit
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPK.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
CURLS in Collegiate Spaces
Student Life
Open to everyone.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVWZS.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 106.
Intramural Dodgeball Tournament
Intramural / Club Sports
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXMS.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Student Activities Center - Gymnasium.
CURLS in Collegiate Spaces
Homepage Events
Open to everyone.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVWZS.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Carolina Series: Lobster Man
Etherredge Center
Originally written as a one-act play, Lobster Man was originally selected for production in the Samuel French Off-Broadway Festival in New York City, in 2023. After its New York premiere, Cook expanded the script to full length, and it will have its World Premiere here at the Etherredge Center, as part of the Carolina Series. Lobster Man tells the story of two survivors in a post-apocalyptic world struggling with whether they are the last two people alive, until a mysterious stranger arrives at their residence resembling a person from one of the survivor's dreams. The Houston Press has described the play as a “dreamlike, magical story.” Jonathan Cook is an actor, director, and award-winning American playwright. Many of his stage plays have been produced around the World and he's a five-time recipient of the Porter Fleming Literary Award. His short film, Don’t You Dare, was licensed for distribution by ShortsTV network in 2021. He is also the host and writer for the podcast Gather by the Ghost Light.…
Organization: Etherredge Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQABW.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Etherredge Center Room 101 Main Theatre.
Carolina Series: Lobster Man
ACE Events
Originally written as a one-act play, Lobster Man was originally selected for production in the Samuel French Off-Broadway Festival in New York City, in 2023. After its New York premiere, Cook expanded the script to full length, and it will have its World Premiere here at the Etherredge Center, as part of the Carolina Series. Lobster Man tells the story of two survivors in a post-apocalyptic world struggling with whether they are the last two people alive, until a mysterious stranger arrives at their residence resembling a person from one of the survivor's dreams. The Houston Press has described the play as a “dreamlike, magical story.” Jonathan Cook is an actor, director, and award-winning American playwright. Many of his stage plays have been produced around the World and he's a five-time recipient of the Porter Fleming Literary Award. His short film, Don’t You Dare, was licensed for distribution by ShortsTV network in 2021. He is also the host and writer for the podcast Gather by the Ghost Light.…
Organization: Etherredge Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQABW.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Etherredge Center Room 101 Main Theatre.
BCM Meetings
Student Life
Weekly worship meeting, everyone invited!
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVWMZ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 140.
GlowL1ght Dance Crew
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVNNK.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Southern Tide Weekday Evening Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMC.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
BCM Meetings
Homepage Events
Weekly worship meeting, everyone invited!
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVWMZ.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Carolina Series: Lobster Man
Homepage Events
Originally written as a one-act play, Lobster Man was originally selected for production in the Samuel French Off-Broadway Festival in New York City, in 2023. After its New York premiere, Cook expanded the script to full length, and it will have its World Premiere here at the Etherredge Center, as part of the Carolina Series. Lobster Man tells the story of two survivors in a post-apocalyptic world struggling with whether they are the last two people alive, until a mysterious stranger arrives at their residence resembling a person from one of the survivor's dreams. The Houston Press has described the play as a “dreamlike, magical story.” Jonathan Cook is an actor, director, and award-winning American playwright. Many of his stage plays have been produced around the World and he's a five-time recipient of the Porter Fleming Literary Award. His short film, Don’t You Dare, was licensed for distribution by ShortsTV network in 2021. He is also the host and writer for the podcast Gather by the Ghost Light.…
Organization: Etherredge Center - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQABW.
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Weekday Campus Presentation/Tour
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWG.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLZ.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Common Shorebirds of SC
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMNB.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM.
Neuroscience Club Meeting
Student Life
Bi-weekly meetings for the Neuroscience Club at 11am-12pm.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVVX.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 225.
Humans are good: Dogs & Cats are Better
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMNC.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Neuroscience Club Meeting
Homepage Events
Bi-weekly meetings for the Neuroscience Club at 11am-12pm.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWVVX.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
BSU Executive Meeting
Student Life
Executive meeting of the Black Student Union.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXHM.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
BSU Executive Meeting
Homepage Events
Executive meeting of the Black Student Union.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXHM.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM.
Southern Tide Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMB.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Baseball vs GSW
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Roberto Hernandez Baseball Stadium.
Baseball vs GSW
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Pacer Life Formal hosted by Delta Sig
Student Life
Pron/Formal for Pacer Life students.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWQXL.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Penland Circle.
Pacer Life Formal hosted by Delta Sig
Homepage Events
Pron/Formal for Pacer Life students.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWQXL.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
PENLND Circle.
Delta Meeting
Student Life
Meeting for members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXQSL.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 140.
Delta Meeting
Homepage Events
Meeting for members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXQSL.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
ZTA/Kappa Sig Mixer
Student Life
ZTA and Kappa Sig will have a mixer.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZDFG.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Penland Double Knot Courtyard.
ZTA/Kappa Sig Mixer
Homepage Events
ZTA and Kappa Sig will have a mixer.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZDFG.
Friday, March 7, 2025, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
PENLND Double Knot.
ASL Saturday Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLT.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Saturday Showcase
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZHFW.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Mezz Rooms ABC.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Meeting
Student Life
Jasmine Preston,,
Event Title: Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLGW.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 106.
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZHLX.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Convocation Center All Spaces.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Meeting
Homepage Events
Jasmine Preston,,
Event Title: Monthly Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVLGW.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZHLX.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Delta Meeting
Student Life
Meeting for members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTHLT.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Sciences Building Room 327.
Delta Meeting
Homepage Events
Meeting for members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADTHLT.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
SOSC Area 15 Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADXVFB.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Baseball vs GSW
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Roberto Hernandez Baseball Stadium.
Baseball vs GSW
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Southern Tide Weekend Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMA.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Planetarium - One World One Sky
Planetarium Shows
Big Bird's Adventure: One World, One Sky
Follow Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, from the Chinese co-production of Sesame Street. Together, they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth.
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLB.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Ruth Patrick Science Education Center Planetarium.
Planetarium - One World One Sky
Homepage Events
Big Bird's Adventure: One World, One Sky
Follow Big Bird and Elmo as they explore the night sky with Hu Hu Zhu, from the Chinese co-production of Sesame Street. Together, they take an imaginary trip from Sesame Street to the moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth.
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLB.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Planetarium - Backyard Wilderness
Planetarium Shows
Backyard Wilderness,
Backyard Wilderness will surprise and entertain viewers with the unexpected wonders of nature that are right under our noses - in our own backyards.
Spanning a seasonal year around a suburban home, the film displays a stunning array of unique wildlife images and behavior - all captured by cameras mounted inside dens and nests, and moving along the forest floor and pond bottom, to reveal its inhabitants in rare and breathtaking intimacy.
We follow Katie, a young girl, and her modern family living next to the woods who are blind to the real-life spectacle around them, absorbed by an array of electronic devices in their busy lives. Katie gradually discovers the intricate secrets that nature has hidden so close to her front door, and we experience the joy she finds in her interactions with this new world. The film reminds us that Wi-Fi is not the only connection that matters and that sometimes in ordinary places, you can uncover extraordinary things that can transform you forever…
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLC.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Ruth Patrick Science Education Center Planetarium.
Planetarium - Backyard Wilderness
Homepage Events
Backyard Wilderness,
Backyard Wilderness will surprise and entertain viewers with the unexpected wonders of nature that are right under our noses - in our own backyards.
Spanning a seasonal year around a suburban home, the film displays a stunning array of unique wildlife images and behavior - all captured by cameras mounted inside dens and nests, and moving along the forest floor and pond bottom, to reveal its inhabitants in rare and breathtaking intimacy.
We follow Katie, a young girl, and her modern family living next to the woods who are blind to the real-life spectacle around them, absorbed by an array of electronic devices in their busy lives. Katie gradually discovers the intricate secrets that nature has hidden so close to her front door, and we experience the joy she finds in her interactions with this new world. The film reminds us that Wi-Fi is not the only connection that matters and that sometimes in ordinary places, you can uncover extraordinary things that can transform you forever…
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLC.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Planetarium - Sunstruck
ACE Events
Explore the sun in all its glory as you take a journey to the center of our solar system. This amazing, nuclear-powered "furnace" contains most of the mass of our solar system and is the source of its energy. Sunstruck will allow you to discover the wonders of our magnificent sun and investigate how our star supports life on Earth. This program includes information on the structure of our sun, the source of its energy, and how solar activity impacts our world.
Sponsored by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLH.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Ruth Patrick Science Education Center Planetarium.
Planetarium - Sunstruck
Planetarium Shows
Explore the sun in all its glory as you take a journey to the center of our solar system. This amazing, nuclear-powered "furnace" contains most of the mass of our solar system and is the source of its energy. Sunstruck will allow you to discover the wonders of our magnificent sun and investigate how our star supports life on Earth. This program includes information on the structure of our sun, the source of its energy, and how solar activity impacts our world.
Sponsored by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLH.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Ruth Patrick Science Education Center Planetarium.
Planetarium - Sunstruck
Homepage Events
Explore the sun in all its glory as you take a journey to the center of our solar system. This amazing, nuclear-powered "furnace" contains most of the mass of our solar system and is the source of its energy. Sunstruck will allow you to discover the wonders of our magnificent sun and investigate how our star supports life on Earth. This program includes information on the structure of our sun, the source of its energy, and how solar activity impacts our world.
Sponsored by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions.
Organization: RPSEC - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADSNLH.
Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZHLX.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Convocation Center All Spaces.
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADZHLX.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
Baseball vs GSW
Athletics Home Games
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Roberto Hernandez Baseball Stadium.
Baseball vs GSW
Homepage Events
Organization: Athletics - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWKSD.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Student Life
ZTA New Member Mtgs.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSWB.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 136.
Homepage Events
ZTA New Member Mtgs.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWSWB.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
ZTA EC/PC/Chapter Meetings
Student Life
ZTA EC/PC/Chapter Mtgs.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVTTB.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Business and Education Room 234.
ZTA EC/PC/Chapter Meetings
Homepage Events
ZTA EC/PC/Chapter Mtgs.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVTTB.
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
Boot Camp
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLQ.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:15 AM – 7:00 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Weekday Campus Presentation/Tour
AIK - Admissions
Organization: Admissions - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVFWG.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
Penland Administration Building Room 110.
Water Aerobics
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXPM.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 9:10 AM – 10:00 AM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Poetry Appreciation
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMMV.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM.
Yoga Gold
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLV.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Venona Papers: Cold War Espiona
Continuing Education
Organization: Cont Ed - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADVMNH.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
B&E Room 116 Conference Center - Rental Fee Applies.
Diversity Initiatives
This is an open support group for LGBTQIA+ students that meets every other Monday at 2PM!
Organization: Psychology - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVZWX.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Student Activities Center Student Affairs Conference Room 107.
Homepage Events
This is an open support group for LGBTQIA+ students that meets every other Monday at 2PM!
Organization: Psychology - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVZWX.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Southern Tide Weekday Afternoon Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJMB.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 4:00 PM – 6:45 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXLZ.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Subarashii Anime Club
Student Life
Event Title: Subarashii Anime Club Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWBTB.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Humanities and Social Sciences - H&SS Room 116.
Subarashii Anime Club
Homepage Events
Event Title: Subarashii Anime Club Meeting. Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWBTB.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Latin Dance
Group Fitness Classes
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADVXNL.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 6:45 PM – 7:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
ASL Weekday Evening Practice
Organization: Recreation & Wellness - AIK. Event Locator: 2024-ADQJLX.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Natatorium-Pool 030.
Embrace Fitness Workout
Student Life
Embrace Fitness Workout Day.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWRRK.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM.
Business and Education Room 147 Wellness Center Studio.
Embrace Fitness Workout
Homepage Events
Embrace Fitness Workout Day.
Organization: Student Organization - AIK. Event Locator: 2025-ADWRRK.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 7:15 PM – 8:15 PM.