Academic Calendar

Academic calendar at SPSCC

academics, academic dates, important dates, deadlines, registration, tuition, admission

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Textbooks Available Online for Spring Classes

Spring Quarter Calendar Textbooks Available in the Virtual Bookstore, Event Name: Textbooks Available. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBKW. Monday, March 10, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

Textbooks Available Online for Spring Classes

Winter Quarter Calendar Textbooks Available in the Virtual Bookstore, Event Name: Textbooks Available. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBKW. Monday, March 10, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

Last Day of WAOL Classes

Winter Quarter Calendar Event Name: Last Day of WAOL Classes. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFNN. Thursday, March 13, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Running Start Verification Form & Fees Due

Spring Quarter Calendar Running Start Verification forms (RSEVF's) can be submitted through email to or in person at the Olympia Campus (Start Here Desk - Building 22, upstairs).  , Fees can be paid online by credit or debit card by logging into your ctcLink portal.  , To pay over the phone with debit/credit card, please contact Enrollment Services at (360) 596-5241.  To pay in-person, please visit the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus during open hours.  SPSCC accepts Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Payment plans can only be arranged online at, they cannot be arranged in-person. If you have questions about your verification form or payment requirements, please contact the High School Programs office. Event Name: Running Start Verification Form Due. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLA. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Tuition and Fees Due for Spring Quarter

Spring Quarter Calendar Spring Quarter tuition and fee due Tuesday, March 18, 2025.  Tuition and Fees can be paid online by credit or debit card by logging into your ctcLink portal.  , To pay over the phone with debit/credit card, please contact Enrollment Services at (360) 596-5241.  To pay in-person, please visit the One-Stop at the Olympia or Lacey Campus during open hours.  SPSCC accepts cash/check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.  , Payment plans can only be arranged online at, they cannot be arranged in-person. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Tuition and Fees Due for Spring Quarter. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLF. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

Last Day of Instruction SPSCC, Hybrid and OL Classes

Winter Quarter Calendar Event Name: Last Day of Instruction SPSCC. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLJ. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.

Running Start Verification Form & Fees Due

Winter Quarter Calendar Running Start Verification forms (RSEVF's) can be submitted through email to or in person at the Olympia Campus (Start Here Desk - Building 22, upstairs).  , Fees can be paid online by credit or debit card by logging into your ctcLink portal.  , To pay over the phone with debit/credit card, please contact Enrollment Services at (360) 596-5241.  To pay in-person, please visit the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus during open hours.  SPSCC accepts Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Payment plans can only be arranged online at, they cannot be arranged in-person. If you have questions about your verification form or payment requirements, please contact the High School Programs office. Event Name: Running Start Verification Form Due. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLA. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Tuition and Fees Due for Spring Quarter

Winter Quarter Calendar Spring Quarter tuition and fee due Tuesday, March 18, 2025.  Tuition and Fees can be paid online by credit or debit card by logging into your ctcLink portal.  , To pay over the phone with debit/credit card, please contact Enrollment Services at (360) 596-5241.  To pay in-person, please visit the One-Stop at the Olympia or Lacey Campus during open hours.  SPSCC accepts cash/check, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.  , Payment plans can only be arranged online at, they cannot be arranged in-person. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Tuition and Fees Due for Spring Quarter. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLF. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

SPSCC Campus Finals Week

Winter Quarter Calendar Event Name: SPSCC Campus Finals Week. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLX. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.

SPSCC Campus Finals Week

Winter Quarter Calendar Event Name: SPSCC Campus Finals Week. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLX. Thursday, March 20, 2025, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.

SPSCC Campus Finals Week

Winter Quarter Calendar Event Name: SPSCC Campus Finals Week. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLX. Friday, March 21, 2025, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.

Admissions Deadline for Spring Quarter 2025

Spring Quarter Calendar Students must apply for Admission by the close of business on the deadline date.  Applications received after this deadline will be moved to the next quarter. Event Name: Admissions Deadline for Spring 2025. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLP. Monday, March 24, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

Faculty Grades Due by 9 pm

Winter Quarter Calendar This is the deadline for faculty to input their grades into ctcLink.  Faculty must input their grades by 9 pm on this date. Please email Olivia Youngblood ( with any questions about inputting grades. Event Name: Faculty Grades Due by 9 pm. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBLS. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM.

Grades Available by Noon

Winter Quarter Calendar Students can check their grades in their ctcLink portal. Event Name: Grades Available by Noon. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Winter. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBMC. Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 12:00 PM – 11:30 PM.

WAOL (Washington Online) Classes Open

Spring Quarter Calendar Washington Online (WAOL) courses in early childhood education for the Spring 2025 quarter open.  WAOL classes don't begin until Thursday, April 3, 2025. These courses are shared ECE courses across the Washington community and technical college system, which means that their start/end dates, as well as other important enrollment dates, are different from other SPSCC courses. These dates should be noted in your course's syllabus. You should see your WAOL course(s) on your Canvas dashboard by today since classes open today. If you don't see it there, please contact our Center for Teaching & Online Learning (CTOL) by emailing them at The last day students are able to enroll into WAOL classes for Spring 2025 is April 3, 2025. Event Name: WAOL Classes Open. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFNG. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

First Day of WAOL (Washington Online) Classes & WAOL Registration Ends

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the first day of Washington Online (WAOL) courses in early childhood education for the Spring 2025 quarter.  These courses are shared ECE courses across the Washington community and technical college system, which means that their start/end dates, as well as other important enrollment dates, are different from other SPSCC courses. These dates should be noted in your course's syllabus. You should see your WAOL course(s) on your Canvas dashboard by today since that is the first day of class. If you don't see it there, please contact our Center for Teaching & Online Learning (CTOL) by emailing them at At this point, students are no longer able to enroll into WAOL classes for Spring 2025. Event Name: First Day of WAOL (Washington Online). Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFNL. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Wait List Turns Off at 9 am for Spring Quarter

Spring Quarter Calendar Once the Wait List turns off for the quarter at 9 am, the Wait Lists and all names on them are deleted.  There is no longer a Wait List.   If a class has open seats, then you can enroll yourself into those classes online through your ctcLink account.  If the class is full, you can try to contact the Instructor directly to ask their permission to be enrolled into the class by having the capacity overridden.  If the Instructor responds giving you permission, come to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor to enroll into the class. The other option is to forward the email to Enrollment Services (  In the email, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, and the Class Number.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. To find Instructor's contact information, go to our Directory. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also… Event Name: Wait List Turns Off at 9 am for Spring. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBMJ. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

First Day of SPSCC, Hybrid and OL (SPSCC Online) Classes

Spring Quarter Calendar Event Name: First Day of SPSCC, Hybrid and OL. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBMN. Monday, April 7, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Web Registration turns off at Midnight

Spring Quarter Calendar Online Web Registration Services (Adding a class) Turns OFF at 12 am, After Web Registration Turns Off , then all Transactions must be done in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing an Add/Drop form to Enrollment Services ( with the Instructor's permission from your SPSCC email address during open hours.  To find Instructor's contact information, go to our Directory. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Web Registration turns off at Midnight. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBMS. Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Instructor Sign. Required to Add Classes (Dean Signature Required for Prerequisite Overrides)

Spring Quarter Calendar At this point, an email from an Instructor giving permission to add any class is required (not including late starting classes).  An email from an Instructor and Dean is required to override pre-requisite. To find Instructor's contact information, go to our Directory. ALL Transactions to Add and/or Drop a class must be done either in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Instructor Sign. Required to Add Class. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBMX. Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

WAOL CLASSES ONLY - Last Day for 100% Refund for Drop Classes

Spring Quarter Calendar This is for WAOL classes only.  The last day for a tuition refund for WAOL classes at 100% of the tuition cost. After this date, students will only receive 40% refund of the tuition cost.  Drop requests will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. To Add and/or Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it either in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline, When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: WAOL ONLY - Last Day for 100% Refund. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFNW. Thursday, April 10, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Last Day for 100% Refund

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day for a tuition refund at 100% of the tuition cost. After this date, students will only receive 40% refund of the tuition cost.  Drop requests will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. To Add and/or Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Last Day for 100% Refund. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBNC. Friday, April 11, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Begin 40% Refund

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the start for a tuition refund at 40% of the tuition cost. The last day to receive a 40% refund will be Friday, April 25, 2025.  Drop requests are accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. To Add and/or Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Begin 40% Refund. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBNJ. Monday, April 14, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Last Day to Drop CCS 102/103/104 Class

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day to Drop the CCS 102, CCS 103 and/or CCS 104 classes and without the class showing on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. For all other classes, you will have until Friday, April 18, 2025 to Drop a class. Tuition refunds are currently issued at 40% of the tuition cost. To Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. , When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation.  You can also connect with us by phone (360)… Event Name: Last Day to Drop CCS 102/103/104. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCFW. Thursday, April 17, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

WAOL CLASSES ONLY - Last Day to Drop without a "W" on transcript

Spring Quarter Calendar This is for WAOL classes only.  This is the last day to drop WAOL classes without the class showing on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.  Tuition refunds are currently issued at 40% of the tuition cost. To Add and/or Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it either in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline, When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: WAOL ONLY - Last Day to Drop w/out a "W". Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFNS. Thursday, April 17, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Last Day to Drop without a "W" on transcript

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day to drop classes without the class showing on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.  Tuition refunds are currently issued at 40% of the tuition cost. To Add and/or Drop a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Last Day to Drop without a "W". Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBNN. Friday, April 18, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Late Fee ($100 per class) plus Petition for Late Registration Form required to Register

Spring Quarter Calendar A Late Registration Petition form with an email from the Instructor and Dean is required to add new classes.  If you have not previously attended the course prior to this date, a $100 late enrollment fee per class (in addition to regular tuition and fees) will also be charged. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Late Fee ($100 per class) plus Petition. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBNS. Monday, April 21, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

WAOL CLASSES ONLY - Last Day for 40% Refund

Spring Quarter Calendar This is for WAOL classes only.  The  last day for a 40% Tuition Refund for WAOL Classes is the last day for a tuition refund at 40% of the tuition cost. After this date, then no refund will be issued.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. To Withdraw from a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it either in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: WAOL ONLY - Last Day for 40% Refund. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMFPA. Thursday, April 24, 2025, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Last Day for 40% Refund

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day for a tuition refund at 40% of the tuition cost. After this date, then no refund will be issued.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. To Withdraw from a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation both in-person and through Zoom.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at Event Name: Last Day for 40% Refund. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBNX. Friday, April 25, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Last Day to Withdraw from CCS 102/103/104 Class

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day to Withdraw from the CCS 102, CCS 103 and/or CCS 104 classes and receive a "W" (Withdrawal) on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline. For all other classes, you will have until Friday, May 30, 2025 to Withdraw from classes. To Withdraw from a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline. , When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at , … Event Name: Last Day to Withdraw CCS 102/103/104. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCFX. Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Pathways Day

Spring Quarter Calendar Pahtways Day is Wednesday, May 14, 2025, ,, From interactive workshops to inspirational panels hosted by experienced staff and faculty, Pathways Day is all about the pathway you've picked for your future career. Whether you're just getting started at SPSCC, close to graduation, or somewhere in the middle, there is something just for you on Pathways Day! Note: There are no classes on Pathways Day. Event Name: Pathways Day. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMGJR. Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

Automotive Annual Spring EXPO

Whether you're passionate about cars, engines, or the latest automotive technologies, SPSCC’s Annual Automotive Spring EXPO is your opportunity to explore an exciting career path. At the event, you'll tour our facilities, meet expert instructors, and see firsthand how our hands-on training prepares students for success in the fast-paced automotive industry. Learn about our comprehensive curriculum, industry certifications, and job placement opportunities by attending this year’s Spring EXPO. This is also a great opportunity to purchase tools from name brand tool vendors, connect with industry leaders and potential hiring managers! Location: Main Olympia Campus, 2011 Mottman Rd. SW Olympia, WA 98512, Building 16 | Automotive Shop. Event Name: Automotive Annual Spring EXPO. Organization: Foundation. Event Locator: 2025-AAMTSQ. Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Mottman Campus Building 16 Room 111.

Priority Enrollment Begins (state mandated) for Summer & Fall Quarter

Fall Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Priority Enrollment Begins state mandate. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVP. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Priority Enrollment Begins (state mandated) for Summer & Fall Quarter

Spring Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Priority Enrollment Begins state mandate. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVP. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Priority Enrollment Begins (state mandated) for Summer & Fall Quarter

Summer Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Priority Enrollment Begins state mandate. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVP. Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Current Student Registration Begins for Summer & Fall Quarter Classes

Fall Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Current Student Registration Begins. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVS. Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Current Student Registration Begins for Summer & Fall Quarter Classes

Spring Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Current Student Registration Begins. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVS. Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Current Student Registration Begins for Summer & Fall Quarter Classes

Summer Quarter Calendar To check your Enrollment Date: Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "mySPSCC" from the top menu. Log in with your ClipperID and password. , Once logged in, select "ctcLink" and log in with your ctcLink ID and password. , Inside ctcLink, select "Enrollment" from the blue menu, then "Enrollment Dates". , Look for the "Enrollment Appointment" note at the top of the dashboard or select the upcoming quarter (term) for more details. For more information, visit our Registration Support page. , Any questions about enrolling into classes, contact Enrollment Services by coming to the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus in Building 22, 2nd floor or by emailing Enrollment Services ( from your email address during open hours. When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a… Event Name: Current Student Registration Begins. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring, Quarter - Summer, Quarter - Fall. Event Locator: 2024-AAMCVS. Wednesday, May 21, 2025, 9:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

WAOL CLASSES ONLY - Last Day to Withdraw and receive a "W" on the transcript

Spring Quarter Calendar This is for WAOL classes only.  This is the last day to Withdraw from WAOL classes and receive a "W" (Withdrawal) on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.  , To Withdraw from a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by sending an email to Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address.  This is accepted up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline.  , When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at    . Event Name: WAOL ONLY - Last Day to Withdraw. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBAM. Thursday, May 22, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.

Closed for Holiday

SPSCC will be closed on Monday, May 26 for the holiday. Event Name: Closed for Holiday. Organization: PUBLIC RELATIONS. Event Locator: 2024-AAMJXZ. Monday, May 26, 2025, 12:00 AM – 11:30 PM.

Last Day to Withdraw and receive a "W" on the transcript

Spring Quarter Calendar This is the last day to Withdraw from classes and receive a "W" (Withdrawal) on the transcript.  These will be accepted up until 11:59 pm on the day of the deadline.  , To Withdraw from a Class – Complete a Registration Add/Drop Form and submit it in-person at the One-Stop at the Olympia Campus, Building 22, 2nd floor during open hours or by sending an email to Enrollment Services ( from your SPSCC email address.  This is accepted up until 11:59 pm of the day of the deadline.  , When emailing Enrollment Services, include your Name, ctcLink ID Number, Name of the Class, Class Number, and a brief sentence on what you are needing to have done.  Once this information is received, then your request will be processed and you will receive a response. Please see the College website for current hours of operation.  You can also connect with us by phone (360) 596-5241 or email at    . Event Name: Last Day to Withdraw. Organization: ENROLLMENT SERVICES. Categories: Quarter - Spring. Event Locator: 2024-AAMBKR. Friday, May 30, 2025, 8:00 AM – 11:59 PM.