Campus Connections - Arts and Culture at Elizabethtown College

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Senior Recital featuring Madeline Hauser, mezzo soprano and Lindsey Stank, soprano

Senior recital featuring music therapy majors Madeline Hauser, mezzo soprano and Lindsey Stank, soprano. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAD. Sunday, March 16, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Monday Series Concert featuring Faith Shiffer, clarinet and Kirk Reese, piano

Monday Series Concert featuring Faith Shiffer, clarinet and Kirk Reese, piano. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCNFA. Monday, March 17, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

Open Mic Night at Bowers Writers House!

Are you writing the great American novel? The great American poem, or song? Or maybe you've got a bussin' spoken word jam you want to blast out over the landscape of the universe, or even five minutes of stand-up you've been working on... well tonight's your night -- Join us at Bowers Writers House for our Open-Mic jam! You'll have chance to share your creative work with fellow Blue Jays and snack on our amazing chocolate fondue reception. This a great opportunity to see the mass of creativity -- from students, staff, and faculty -- being generated on our dynamic campus. Come join the conversation! Organization: BOWERS WRITERS HOUSE, CREATIVE WRITING, CREATIVE WRITING CLUB. Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABDCJB. Monday, March 17, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Bowers Writers House.

American Foreign Policy in the Middle East: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

<span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">The war in Gaza has brought the region to a crossroads. What are the possible outcomes of the war, and how might the United States use its influence to shape a long-term settlement that leaves both Israel and the Palestinians in a better position? How might Arab states in the wider region be brought into a settlement? What are America’s interests in the Middle East and how can it advance them? Join us tonight for an intriguing evening of discussion and insight with Brian Katulis! <span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">Brian Katulis is Senior Fellow for US Foreign Policy at the Middle East Institute. He was formerly a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP), where he built the Center’s Middle East program and also worked on broader issues related to U.S. national security. He has produced influential studies that have shaped important discussions around regional policy, often providing expert testimony to key congressional committees on his… Organization: BOWERS WRITERS HOUSE, CENTER FOR GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING, HONORS PROGRAM. Web Site: Event Locator: 2025-ABDCMJ. Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Steinman Center - Brinser Lecture Room.

Contact: UFOs, UAPs, and Underwater Alien Landscapes with Dr. Tim Gallaudet

On November 13th of this year, Congress heard from a variety of experts, both civilian and military, who all verified something we've been wondering about for centuries: Humans are NOT the only biological life form in our universe. Join us tonight in Gibble Auditorium as one of those experts shares with us his military and oceanographic experience with alien life forms and vehicles here on Earth! This will TRULY be an emblematic event! The Honorable Tim Gallaudet, PhD, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (ret) is a career oceanographer and technology consultant. Formerly, he served as the acting Undersecretary and Assistant Secretary of Commerce, acting and Deputy Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Oceanographer of the Navy. Currently, Gallaudet serves as a strategic advisor and board member for several startups, nonprofits, and research institutions in the ocean, weather, environment, and space sectors. Gallaudet has had a lifelong interest in UAP, but his experience as… Organization: BOWERS WRITERS HOUSE. Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABDCCF. Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM. Esbenshade Gibble Auditorium.

Junior Recital featuring Hannah Fletcher, piano

Junior recital featuring music therapy major Hannah Fletcher, piano. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAF. Friday, March 21, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Rakugo, the traditional Japanese storytelling

Please join us for Rakugo with special guest Master Ryutei Saryu, a very well-known rakugo performer in Japan. Rakugo is a traditional Japanese form of storytelling where a solo performer sits on a stage and tells a humorous or poignant story using only speech, facial expressions, and gestures. Students from Etown, Franklin & Marshall College, and Dickinson College will also perform short stories. Please contact Dr. Nobuaki Takahashi at or 717-361-1573 for more information. Organization: MODERN LANGUAGES PROGRAM. Event Locator: 2024-ABCVDL. Saturday, March 22, 2025, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Steinman Center - Brinser Lecture Room, Steinman Center 101.

Monday Series Concert featuring Minnita Daniel-Cox, soprano and Justin Badgerow, piano

Minnita Daniel-Cox, soprano and Justin Badgerow, piano. Organization: School of Arts & Humanities, OFFICE OF DIVERSITY & INCLUSION. Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCWDN. Monday, March 24, 2025, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

Senior Recital featuring Marin Barneetz, mezzo soprano and Aaron Oliver, bass-baritone

Senior recital featuring music therapy major Marin Barneetz, mezzo soprano and music major Aaron Oliver, bass-baritone. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAG. Thursday, March 27, 2025, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Senior Recital featuring music therapy majors Lorelei Eck, soprano and Rileigh Celsky, piano

Senior recital featuring music therapy majors Lorelei Eck, soprano and Rileigh Celsky, piano. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAH. Sunday, March 30, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Brown Book Award Lecture: Royden Loewen

Royden Loewen is a senior scholar and former Chair in Mennonite Studies at the University of Winnipeg. In his book, "Mennonite Farmers: A Global History of Place and Sustainability" Loewen draws on a multi-year study of seven geographically distinctive Anabaptist communities around the world-in Bolivia, Canada, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Russia, the United States, and Zimbabwe.  These farmers-who include Amish, Brethren in Christ, and Siberian Baptists-till the land in starkly different climates, absorbing disparate societal lessons while being shaped by particular faith outlooks, historical memory, and the natural environment. Organization: YOUNG CENTER. Event Locator: 2024-ABCZAJ. Thursday, April 3, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. Young Center Bucher Meeting House, Young Center Classroom.

Junior Recital featuring music major Maximus Marshall, saxophone

Junior Recital Maximus Marshall. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Event Locator: 2024-ABDBTL. Friday, April 4, 2025, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall.

Spring 2025 Symphonic Band Concert

Spring 2025 Symphonic Band Concert. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCNFJ. Sunday, April 6, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

Student Chamber Recital

Student Chamber Recital. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAJ. Monday, April 7, 2025, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Ware Lecture

Join Elizabethtown College on Thursday, April 10 at 7 p.m. for the Ware Lecture featuring Nadia Murad. Human rights activist and recipient of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize, Nadia Murad is a leading advocate for survivors of genocide and sexual violence. Her New York Times bestselling memoir, "The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State," is a harrowing account of the genocide against the Yazidi people of Iraq and Nadia’s imprisonment by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS). In this conversation, Nadia outlines the programs to promote health, relocation, justice, and reparations for the thousands of displaced survivors. She calls for worldwide concerted humanitarian efforts—overcoming all political and cultural divisions—to create a better future for women, children, and persecuted minorities. Organization: Provost/VPAA. Event Locator: 2024-ABCMQF. Thursday, April 10, 2025, 5:45 PM – 9:30 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Performance Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - McCormick Gallery (1st Floor), Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium,…

Spring 2025 College-Community Orchestra Concert

Spring 2025 College-Community Orchestra Concert. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCNFK. Sunday, April 13, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

A Novel Idea: Celebrating Etown's Own Curtis Smith's Seventh Novel

There's nothing more satisfying than bringing into the world a new creation like a novel, a writer's journey over unknown landscapes of both imagination and time -- and tonight we celebrate Curtis Smith's (count 'em!) seventh novel! For this special event, Etown's own Ms. Erica Dolson will discuss the book with Curtis for a few minutes before we hear Curtis read from Deaf Heaven -- then we'll round out the night with a book signing/selling and our (in)famous chocolate fondue reception! Curtis Smith is the Assistant Director of Academic Advising for Elizabethtown College, has published over 125 stories and essays, and his work has appeared in or been cited by The Best American Short Stories, The Best American Mystery Stories, The Best American Spiritual Writing, The Best Short Fictions, The Best Microfictions, and the WW Norton anthology New Micro. He has worked with indie presses to put out five story collections, two essay collections, one book of creative nonfiction, and six novels. His seventh novel, … Organization: BOWERS WRITERS HOUSE, CREATIVE WRITING, CREATIVE WRITING CLUB. Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABDCBX. Monday, April 14, 2025, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Bowers Writers House.

CS Industry Speakers: Security, IT Design, and Virtualization with Mr. Jerry Link

This is a chance for CS students associated with the Industry Speakers class -- and all others interested in The INS companies, systems security, and virtualization. Come for some fun snacks and a fantastic conversation! Mr. Jerry Link, Chief Information Officer and CISO for The INS Companies and recipient of the Department of Justice Challenge Medal, provides IT hosting, IT consulting, Cybersecurity, and IT Forensics services. Jerry is a systems engineer, nationally recognized for his designs in security, virtualization, and implementation of audit software. Due to his efforts and expertise, Citrix and Microsoft have recently awarded INS with the Silver level status as an authorized partner. Through his unique skill sets and experience in IT and Insurance Regulation, he has developed the INS Cybersecurity and IT Forensics examination process where he has implemented with great success in several examinations. He is also a former Senior Citrix Engineer and TeamMate IT administrator for the Commonwealth of… Organization: BOWERS WRITERS HOUSE, COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAM. Web Site: Event Locator: 2025-ABDDQM. Thursday, April 17, 2025, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM. Bowers Writers House.

Scholarship and Creative Arts Day Recital

Scholarship and Creative Arts Day Recital. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAK. Monday, April 21, 2025, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

Spring 2025 Jazz Band and Percussion Ensemble Concert

Jazz Band and Percussion Ensemble Concert. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCTDB. Thursday, April 24, 2025, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Green Room.

Preparatory Division Recitals 2024-2025

Preparatory Division Recitals. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Event Locator: 2024-ABCTDD. Saturday, April 26, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Spring 2025 Choral Concert

Spring 2025 Choral Concert. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCNFL. Sunday, April 27, 2025, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Performance Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - M&M Mars Room, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Musser Auditorium, Leffler Chapel and Performance Center - Lobby, Leffler Chapel and Performance…

Repertoire Class Awards Ceremony

Repertoire Class Awards Ceremony. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAL. Monday, April 28, 2025, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM. Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.

Spring Concert

Spring Concert. Free and open to the public. Organization: MUSIC (FAPA). Web Site: Event Locator: 2024-ABCVAM. Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Zug 205 - Recital Hall, Zug - John W. Hess Gallery -Lobby Area.