The mix-in state parameters, mixin
and mixout
, are optional parameters that can be:
argument in the $Trumba.addSpud() method.trumbaEmbed
parameter in a URL-encoded query string.I'd like to see a complete list of URL parameters.
I'd like to know more about calendar feeds.
By default, when you publish a 25Live® calendar with other calendars mixed into it, events from all of the mixed-in calendars are displayed.
Use the mixin
or mixout
parameter to change the default view of an embedded spud or link to a spud in a particular mix-in state.
For example, a Chamber of Commerce provides a community events calendar on its home page that mixes in events from its seven sub-calendars, including Arts & Culture, Business, Government, Development, Public Safety, Recreation, and Special Events. To cater to tourists, the Chamber uses the mixin
parameter to provide a view that mixes in only Arts & Culture, Recreation, and Special Events.
The values that mixin
and mixout
parameters take are ID numbers for the mixed-in calendars.
In general, it's best to use the parameter that requires the smaller number of calendar IDs. For example:
parameter.Each 25Live calendar's ID number is unique. To find the ID numbers for the calendars you want to mix in or mix out, follow these steps:
What is the Calendar List spud?
If you haven't published your calendar yet, in the Publishing Control Panel, on the Publish Settings tab, click Preview all Spuds.
The way you do this differs by browser. For example:
In this example, the mix-in state is determined by the mixout
parameter. The values for this parameter are the calendar IDs for four calendars that are not mixed into the current view. The calendar IDs are separated by URL-encoded commas (%2c). The URL you see might include the mixin
parameter instead.
argument, $Trumba.addSpud() method, Main calendar spudSets the default view for a main calendar spud to exclude events from the mixed-in calendars with the IDs 1008652 and 1033347.
argument, $Trumba.addSpud() method, Promotion spudSets the Photo Upcoming promotion spud to exclude events from the mixed-in calendars with the IDs 1083589 and 1033347.
In the spuds embedded at the base URL, limits the events that display to those owned by the mixed-in calendars with the IDs 1033347 and 1083589.
Tip %3D is the URL-encoded equals sign (=). %2c is the URL-encoded comma.
In the RSS feed at the base URL, limits the events that display to those owned by the mixed-in calendars with the IDs 1033347 and 1083589. As the example indicates, you separate multiple mixin
and mixout
parameter values with commas.,1083589
Tip In calendar feed URLs, do not include trumbaEmbed=
and do not URL-encode parameters.