If you use non-standard fonts for your website and you want your 25Live spuds to use the same fonts, you can apply custom fonts as base styles.
Note For information about setting up standard fonts and other base styles and colors, go to Spud style settings.
To use a custom font, you have to take advantage of a web-based font service, including Adobe® Typekit, Adobe Edge Web Fonts, Google Fonts, Cloud.typography, and more.
On a font service site, when you select the font you want to use, the service provides you with a font link tag and the font-family name. You need these two pieces of data to set up custom fonts in 25Live.
Important Do not use JavaScript when you're adding a custom font in your base settings. Instead, use a link tag to load your font, such as in the examples we've included below. For assistance with adding custom fonts, contact 25Live Support at support@collegenet.com.
(You'll need to use the link version of the font tag; see below for examples.)
(If you haven't already published your calendar, on the Publish page, click OK.)
Google Fonts link format font tags look something like this:
Note For link type font tags, it's a good idea to remove
from link tags to allow the fonts to load safely on pages accessed with either http or https protocol.<link href='//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,500,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Tip When setting spud styles, if you don't notice a difference when you set the font weight to medium (e.g. for event titles), you may need to add the "500" value into your custom font link, as shown in the example above.
Adobe Typekit® link format font tags look something like this:
Note You'd need to replace 'xxxxxxx' with the value for your font.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.typekit.net/xxxxxxx.css">
Cloud.typography link format font tags look something like this:
Note You'd need to replace <AccountID> and <ProjectID> in the code sample (and screenshot) below with IDs you attain from the font service provider.
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='https://cloud.typography.com/<AccountID>/<ProjectID>/css/fonts.css' />
'Open Sans'
.'Gotham A'
.Tip Copy just the font name itself, surrounded by single quotation marks.
(System fonts serve as a backup display option if the custom font service is not available.)
Paste the font-family name into font fields as the first font.
Note If you receive the error, Base font: invalid font set, you may have copied in "curly" quotation marks. To replace them with straight quotation marks, delete and then re-type them within the 25Live Publisher editing environment.
To apply the custom font globally across your website, paste it as the first font in all four of the following fields:
Tip If you don't want to use the custom font in specific spuds, you can edit the spud settings, and remove the font-family name from the font fields. Learn more about editing spud settings.
Tip You can use more than one custom font in a publication by pasting more than one font tag into the Custom font link field, and then applying each font-family name to the appropriate font fields. However, the more custom fonts you add, the slower the page load times.